Chapter 10

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~Roxie's P.O.V.~

"Run!" Liam commanded. I began to run faster and faster, though I wasn't really sure what I was running from till I glanced back and saw someone running after me with a gun in hand. A wave of panic washed over me and my adrenalin kicked in. I weaved my way through trees and realized I was now in the bush. Soon I was out of breath and breathing heavily. I looked back again, trying to see who was chasing me, but whoever it was, his face was blurred.

"You can keep running, but you won't get away from me." The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't tell who it was. Then I heard Liam's voice again; urging me on. Although I couldn't see Liam I could hear his voice as if he was right beside me. Soon Liam was also running beside me. A loud gun shot went off and we began to sprint. Since Liam was the better runner he had to sort of pull me along.

"There you are Liam. That girl is mine not yours." The voice sounded close; it made me look back and I tripped but Liam caught me before I hit the ground. Soon as I looked up I was staring down the barrel of a gun. I stood up and Liam stepped in front of me protectively. I looked over his shoulder and screamed as the stranger placed the gun to Liam's chest. Liam shuddered and his breathing became shaky. I could see the strangers face now. It was Tyler.

"Tyler, don't do this please." I begged.

"Why? He's the one who took you from me." Tyler yelled as he shoved the gun harder into Liam's chest. I heard Liam's breath hitch as he took a step back.

"Tyler." I pleaded.

"Get over here bitch and I won't hurt you precious Liam." He uttered and spat Liam's name like it some vile taste to his mouth. Liam was holding my hands behind him and squeezed them slightly, like he was telling me not to move but didn't listen. I walked over to Tyler's side but my eyes were locked onto Liam's.

"I love you." Liam breathed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Aw. Ain't that cute." Tyler mocked and raised his gun to Liam.


"No!" I screamed, jolting up-right in bed, panting. Then I realized where I was and sighed shakily. "It was just a dream." I exclaimed to myself at a whisper as slid my hand down the side of my face. I looked down and noticed my clothes were drenched in sweat.

I glance at Rachel who was sleeping soundly. Damn that girl could sleep though a hurricane. I sat in bed for w while, trying to regain my breath then looked at the alarm clock. 7:43 AM

Since I knew I would never be able to get back to sleep after that awful nightmare, I got in my chair and headed to the bathroom to shower. When I finished washing myself, I changed and did my hair. When I opened the door the smell of pancakes filled my nose. Who could be up at this hour? I quickly grabbed my phone from my room and headed into the kitchen.

I heard someone humming and as I got closer I realized it was Louis flipping pancakes on the stove. He was wearing a black and red striped shirt and dark skinnies.

"Louis, what are you doing here? And how did you get in?" I asked in my groggy morning voice. I must have sounded terrible. He smiled when he turned to face me.

"Morning Roxie. Did you forget that Liam has a key?"

"Oh, right." I mumbled before taking a seat at the island. I sighed and folded my arms on the table and laid my head down. Louis chuckled and went back to his cooking.

"How was your sleep?" He asked as he flipped a pancake over. I noticed a pile of them on a plate beside the stove; it made my stomach growl.

"What time did you get here?" I asked trying to change the subject. I did not want to talk about my sleep.

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