Introduction: New Enviornments & New Faces

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"Wake up Chorong!" my mum calls from the kitchen. I groan and peak out under the covers to look at the clock on my night stand.


"It is only eight o'clock on a Sunday morning mom. School doesn't start until tomorrow!" I called back while pulling the covers back over my head.

After a good five minutes of silence, I believe my mum had heard me and allowed me to proceed with my sleeping. However, I hear footsteps walking towards the direction of my room and the door quietly creaking open.

"We have stationary shopping to do," I heard the soft voice of my cousin Eunji. She has been living with me and my family since she was five. Her parents, aunty and uncle had passed away in a car accident years ago leaving Eunji to the only family she has left, my family. Now it was up to my parents to raise her. Unlike my stubborn attitude, my parents have no issues taking care of Eunji, sometimes I think they wish she was their biological daughter because of how obedient and polite she grew up to be. I'm not jealous at all.

I sulk and pull the covers off me and made my way to the showers to get ready for a big day of shopping. Despite my stubborn self, I do put some effort into looking decent. I put on a light blush and mascara, and spray my favourite scented daisy and vanilla scent perfume. Look good, smell good, and feel good. I'm ready.

Ten minutes later I emerge from the room and into the kitchen where the family is having breakfast around the dining table. "Morning Chorong", dad says to me not taking his eyes off the daily newspaper. I give a smile and take my seat next to Eunji on the opposite side of the table.

Mum then places a plate of toast and eggs in front of me. Whilst eating I look around the room and notice that mum had unpacked most of the boxes. She has hung up the family pictures and a small frame of Eunji and her late parents.

The perks of dads new job was being provided with this new home, and it is definitely more spacious and modern than our last home in the suburbs. It had two floors and a small and enclosed backyard with beautiful garden beds. I can already imagine the night lights illuminating the colourful flowers. There were three rooms in the whole house, I had one, Eunji had one and my parents shared the master bedroom.

The walls were white with light blue on the ceilings. The furniture was wooden without any paint and was plain. The kitchen however was a different colour it had red cup boards and drawers with a nice black stove. The shelf's and counters were white marble texture and reflected the bright lights in the room diligently.

In our old home in Busan we all squashed up with grandma and grandpa's at their vegetable farm. It was quite crowded with our other cousins and extended families, that's why these modern furnitures and spacious rooms are a big change in our lives. Now that my dad was offered a new job and a new home, we were well off living here than in Busan.

"Let's go!" Eunji calls out loudly and grabs my wrist, dragging me out the front door. I grab my bag and jacket on the way out and give a quick wave and light smile to my parent's before disappearing out the door.

Since we moved into a residential suburb, we have to take public transport into the city, and our only cheap option is to take the public bus.

Luckily for us, a bus was already waiting and the last individual was about to get on, signaling the bus to go. Eunji panicked, grabbing my hand once again, jolting me to run to the bus with her.

We finally get into the bus and Eunji motioned for me to find a seat while she pays for our ticket. At times like this, where Eunji acts like my older sister, I can't help but smile warmly. It feels belonging, knowing that someone cares for me dearly.
Nodding in reply, I turn my attention to the seats available, a double empty seat would be preferable.

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