10|Falling Down

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Nandini's POV

Manik and I are seated in the corner again. He is looking down at his hands, not saying anything. And I am shamelessly staring at him. I am sure he can feel my gaze.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to...." He tails off, not sure what to say.

"It's ok." I say in a calm voice.

I am relaxed now. Does it make me crazy that a guy I barely know managed to calm me down with just a slight touch? I think it does.

The waitress returns with our order and walks off quickly after placing it on the table. I think she has realised I wouldn't hesitate to make a scene.

I start picking at my toast. Manik looks at his plate and makes a face.

"Um..excuse me?" He call out to the waitress.

"Yes?" She comes back and says sweetly.

"I like my sandwich without ketchup. Could you please replace it?" He asks.

"Sure. I'll be right back." She smiles brightly and leaves.

God. She is probably hyperventilating in the kitchen.

"You don't like ketchup?" I ask, trying to make small talk with him. I just want him to talk. To me.

"If there's one edible stuff that makes me throw up, it's ketchup." He says with a smile. I have to remind myself to breathe.

"Hmm.." I mumble.

Shit. This is new. And strange. For the first time, Nandini Murthy is trying to make a conversation with someone and doesn't know what to say.

"May I say something, if you don't mind." He asks cautiously.

"Go ahead." Say something. Anything!

"You should not let your anger get the better of you." He has a significant expression on his face.

Again, I wonder what this super hot, ultra smart guy is doing here as a bodyguard.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask him.

"Only if you answer one of my questions in return." He says instantly.

"Okay. Me first." I say and continue.
"Why are you working as a bodyguard? Aren't you good enough to have a better job?"

He looks at me with an uneasy expression.

"I don't mean to be blunt, but I was just wondering." I add, very uncharacteristically. Nandini Murthy didn't ever try to be polite.

"I started working right after school. I don't have much experience in anything. And this job is quiet well paying."

I simply nod at him.

"My turn." He says. "Who did you talk to this morning? Scream at, rather."

"Nyonika." I answer flatly.

"Your mom?" He looks puzzled.

My mom. She is my mom. But is she, really?

"Yes. My mom. And that's enough of interrogation." I say a bit harshly. I can sense my anger coming back.

He doesn't say anything and seems to be deep in thought.

After some time, he snaps out of his thoughts and slowly, surprising me, places his hand on mine.

Fuck. This feels so good. His warm hand on mine.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset you again." He says with a lopsided smile.

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