43|Breaking free

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Manik's POV-

The crunching I hear when my fist connects with Nyonika's face is the most satisfying sound I have heard in a while.

There is an uproar from the cops, lawyers and everyone else present in the courtroom. The media outside is probably going to have a field day. I don't care about any of that right now. All I want to do is hurt this vile, sick, disgusting woman as bad I can. She's probably never going to come out of jail again, but that's not enough. After everything that's happened in this room today, I want to break her, physically, mentally and every other way possible. I want to give all the pain that she has caused me and Nandini back to her.

Abhi pulls me behind and stands in front of me as the room erupts in cries of outrage and disbelief. Nyonika shrieks and tries to lunge for me, but the cops drag her back and pin her to the wall. When she continues howling and struggling, one of the cops lands a hard slap on her cheek and yells for her to stop.

Suraj uncle tells me that he will take care of everything and that I should control myself and get out of there, before things get out of hand. I try to ignore him and keep glaring at Nyonika. But the withering look he gives me next effectively makes me look away from Nyonika and I decide to leave. As I make my way out, I watch Nyonika being dragged away roughly by the cops.

Good fucking riddance.

Taking a deep breath, I dodge all the journalists, who practically pounced on me the moment I stepped out, go round the corner of the building and walk some distance away to find a secluded spot, away from all the madness.

Just as I finally begin to regain my control, I hear footsteps behind me.

"That was some punch. You may have knocked some of her teeth out." A calm, composed voice mutters behind me.


I turn around with a start, not able to believe my luck that she is here, talking to me again.

Although she still has her poker face on, her lips twitch slightly. That's all the encouragement I need to move forward and hold her hands.

"Nandini." I stare at her, taking her in. The last time I had seen her properly, she looked like her life had been sucked out of her. Even though she mostly looks the same right now, I can notice a slight change- her expression is not as empty as it had been the last time.

"Navya said you wanted to talk to me?" She frees her hand from my grip and takes a step back from me.

There has always been too much dynamic energy between us, too much fire. But I don't feel any of that right now. It doesn't feel like us. This isn't going to be easy.

"I am so sorry Nandini, about everything." I plead in a desperate tone.

The minutes seem to drag as she stares at me in silence. "I am sorry too, Manik." When she finally speaks, her voice is steady and her eyes have a hard glint. "What's done is done. We've got to get a move on." She shrugs.

"Jenny- I don't, I-", I stutter, looking at her helplessly. Her eyes only harden more at that. "I am really sorry, Nandini."

"You've already said sorry." She gives me a blank look.

"Nandini, I-"

"I wanted to thank you Manik, for the legal team. Singhania would have gotten away without them. Thanks."

"You don't have to thank me, Nandini." I want to wrap my arms around her, but her rigid stance tells me that I need to stay away right now and be very careful with her. "I've wanted to put him away for a long time. I am glad he's finally gone. He can't hurt you again."

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