Going to complain

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The next day, Ian headed straight to the principal's office wanting to complain about his daughter's bullying situation. Ian waited patiently for the principal to attended the appointment.

"Oh, Mr. Hecox! Great to see you again." Ian and the principal shook hands and walked into the office. She sat down at her desk and waited for Ian to sit himself.

"Before you say anything, I want to know...what are your students like?" Ian was straight forward and to the point (well almost).

"Well for one, some of are students are very talented. Each child has their own unique personality and all are very kind." The principal answered. That's when Ian made a buzzer noise and said "wrong" after it.

"Excuse me?" She said with attitude. "You know, I love my daughter very much. And seeing her get bullied to the point where she's in the hospital is not acceptable. Your job is to make sure all kids get an education and keep them safe. And right now, my daughter isn't safe. There are people in this school that want her to be like this and I'm not allowing it, and you shouldn't either." Now Ian was putting his foot down.

"Mr Hecox, I promise you no one is bullying Emily. A student here said she fell down the stairs." The principal was taking Kelly's side without knowing.

"Really? Cause my daughter told me that she was beat up by the head cheerleader because she dated her ex, Adam right after she did. To me, that's fucking pathetic." Ian was now cussing out the principal. He would do anything for Emily.

"I want to see the footage from yesterday, and I'll prove to you that everyone in this school are a bunch of pricks." The principal was shocked to hear what was coming out of Ian's mouth. The only time he swore like that was in a Smosh video.

"Fine. And when we'll see that I'm right and you're wrong." The principal stood up and walked into the main office to check the footage. Turns out that Ian was right about some of the kids in the school. "I want her and her friends expelled from this school. And I want my daughter safe from her." Ian walked out of the school and put on his sunglasses like a major boss.

He cussed out the principal while trying to protect his baby and that's what makes him a great dad.


Ian visited Emily later on in the day and gave her some art supplies so she could work on more fan art.

"Hey baby. How are you doing?" Ian asked her. He wanted to make sure she was alright. She looked at him and smiled. That was her way of saying yes.

"Good, so I have some news for you." Emily looked at him and asked what the news was. Ian smiled and held his daughter's hand.

"Well I confronted your principal and might of cussed her out. I told her that the head cheerleader had beat you up and she didn't believe me. So we checked the footage from the cameras and turns out I was right. She called me an hour ago to tell me that Kelly and her friends were expelled from the school."Ian explained. Emily's eyes widened and she began to cry.

Ian hugged Emily and whispered in her ear that everything was going to be alright. Emily knew it too. Things at school were going to get better. Now it's then internet they have to worry about.

Ian is my what!?!?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin