Dinner And A Dance

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The Ear Cuff from Kili and The Bracelet From Estel x


Dinner was a noisy affair; the dwarfs cheered and threw food at each other, catching up as they had been apart for some time. Keerla sat at one end of the table, between Fili and Kili, picking at an apple and sipping her ale. After a plate of meaty goodness – something she had missed while staying with the elves – she could eat no more and simply enjoyed listening to those around her.

Kili and Fili kept her amused with stories of their lives in the Blue Mountains, their mother, and some things about Thorin that said dwarf wouldn't have wanted anyone to know. Balin and Keerla spent some time talking as well, the dwarf had many worries and fears about the quest they would be taking but they spoke quietly so not to alert the rest of the company.

There wasn't much that could be said for it, Keerla knew Thorin was stubborn – a quality in all dwarfs though he was more stubborn than most – and he would never change his mind. In Thorin's opinion, if he didn't do this for his people, for his family, then he had failed them all. Despite being present at the time of the great incident, the reason for the quest, Keerla found herself out of place to question his choice. She may have lived with the Dwarf prince and his people for around one hundred and seventy years, but she was not a dwarf herself.

"That's pretty," Kili said loudly, over the noise.

Keerla glanced at him, and he gestured with his fork to the bracelet on her wrist. She almost laughed, realising she had been playing with it while in thought.

"Thank you," she told him, "It was a gift when i was leaving Rivendell."

"From an elf?" Fili asked in repulsion, joining their conversation, then quickly said, "I mean i know you're an elf but you're different, i mean you're not-"

"No," She cut Fili's rambling off with a bright smile to assure she'd taken no offence, "Not from an elf, he is of Men-folk." Keerla failed to notice the scowl on Kili's face however, when her tone changed into something soft, eyes back on her bracelet, "His name is Estel."

She was quiet after that, wondering how Estel had been the last few days. Fili had noticed the look on his brother's face and gestured for him to follow. The two Durin princes stood in the pantry filling up mugs with ale.

"You should really tell her."

"Tell who what?" Kili asked, slamming a mug down, nearly spilling the ale inside, and picking up another to fill it, "Don't know what you're talking about Fee."

"Oh come on Kee," Fili rolled his eyes, "You've been in love with Keerla since we were little. Not that i blame you, she's everything you could want in a woman, but you really should speak up or nothing will ever happen."

"Nothing will happen," Kili muttered, "You heard how she talked about that man, she's clearly in love with him."

"You won't know unless you ask."

Rolling his eyes, Kili grabbed a few mugs of ale and headed back to the table, handing them out as he went, keeping one for himself and one for Keerla. She smiled and took it when he sat down, then laughed as Fili climbed over the table to get back to his seat, passing out ale as he went.

"Ready lads?!" Bofur called out, holding up his pint, "On the count of three!"

Keerla grinned as they slammed their mugs into each other and counted for them, "One," she said, glancing around, "Two," she knew Kili and Fili would drink theirs the fastest, "Three!"

Amused at the silence as the twelve dwarfs drank, she watched ale spill onto beards and tunics, Kili, Fili, Dwalin and Balin the only four not wasting a drop. Almost in sync, Kili and Fili slammed their mugs down, followed a few seconds later by everyone else. Ori let out a loud burp, causing everyone to laugh, and Keerla scrunched up her nose in amusement.

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