Welcome To Goblin Town

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Screeching and howling filled the tunnels, causing the lot of them to try climbing to their feet in preparation for an attack but the goblin horde was upon them before they could. The Elleth felt a split second of relief when Kili was lifted off of her, no longer crushing her arm, only for a goblin to snatch her up as well. She struggled, managing to get out of its grasp, but another three had her seconds later.

"Get off!" she yelled, among many similar cries from the dwarfs.

They all continued to fight and struggle as they were dragged along bridges, tunnels and walk ways for what felt like hours, but they had no means of escape. Keerla's eyes widened as they were finally brought in front of a make-shift throne, upon which sat a very large creature with warts and swinging lengths of skin.

"I'm going to be sick," she murmured, making Kili and Fili snort in laughter, despite watching their weapons being thrown into a pile on the floor.

Several goblins crouched to make a foot stool but as the large goblin stepped on them to get down; they were all crushed to death. Keerla realised he was thought of as some sort of king, judging by the way the goblins scurried around him and the crown he wore.

"Who would be so bold-" great globs of spit flew from the goblin King's mouth as he leaned over them, "-as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?"

"Dwarves, Your Malevolence. And a she-elf," a rat faced goblin told him.

"Dwarves and an elf?" the goblin King asked, almost sounding amused.

"We found them on the front porch."

"Well, don't just stand there; search them! Every crack, every crevice."

Kili grabbed Keerla, pulling her close as the goblins surrounded them. He kept a look of disgust on his face but made no move to fight unless their hands wandered a little too close to certain places on Keerla's figure. The Elleth pressed herself into his side as the goblins left the pair of them alone.

To them, it was obvious she held no more weapons, her clothing was almost a second skin, there was nowhere to hide anything – other than the two knives in her corset but there was no need to tell them that.

Once the search was finished, the goblins moved back and the large goblin king came forward, "What are you doing in these parts? Speak!"

No one said anything, and the large goblin gave a nasty smile, almost as if he had been hoping for the silence.

"The she-elf."

"No!" Kili snarled, pulling her back. Fili and Bofur jumped in front of the pair but were easily thrown aside and Keerla shrieked in pain as a clawed hand wrapped itself in her hair. Several goblins grabbed at her, and despite Kili's attempts to keep a hold of her the two were separated and she was forced to her knees in front of the large goblin.

"You're a pretty one," the large goblin looked down at her. Keerla scowled and kept her eyes on him, showing her anger, as he looked over her to the dwarfs, "How about now? Will you tell me now?"

Kili struggled against his brother's hold, but said nothing. He knew Keerla would never forgive him. As did the others, so while their worried eyes rested on their friend, their lips remained sealed.

"Well then, if they will not talk," the large goblin turned to face a huge crowd of his kind littering the walls behind him, "We'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker! Start with the she-elf. Bring me that crown of hers."

Keerla's eyes widened in panic and she started struggling, but before the goblins could take her circlet, Thorin stepped forward.

"Wait!" he ordered.

The great goblin looked down at him, and then his eyes seemed to widen as he glanced between Thorin and Keerla, "Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thráin, son of Thrór; King under the Mountain and his little harlot elf, Keerla of Mirkwood."

"Hey!" Keerla exclaimed, insulted by the term 'harlot'.

The great goblin ignored her as he gave a dramatic bow, then paused and said in a mocking one, "Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really." The goblins snickered, and a dark look crossed the large goblin's face. "I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Although they want your little harlot in one piece. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg."

Thorin stared up at him in surprise and disbelief, and Keerla stopped trying to free herself, looking over to him in worry. They didn't need him losing all sense; he needed a clear mind if they were to escape.

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago."

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?" the great goblin chuckled, "We'll see if you reconsider when he's 'Defiling' your little she-elf."

Keerla cringed, and could feel the worried gazes on her back but she didn't dare look. Instead she watched the great goblin turn to a deformed looking thing sitting on a basket attached to a wire.

"Send word to the Pale Orc; tell him I have found his prize."

The deformed goblin wrote down his message, cackling as it pulled a lever and the basket shot down into the darkness out of sight. With a jerk on her hair, Keerla was pulled to her feet and the great goblin chuckled, swinging a chain with a large collar on the end.

"No!" Kili snapped, trying to get past the goblins holding him and the company together, Thorin lunged from his spot, only for several goblins to pin him to the ground.

"Get away from me you ugly rat!" Keerla hissed, managing to rip herself free from her captives, only for more goblins to pile on top of her.

She clawed at them, digging her heels into the wood while listening to her friends yell for them to let her go. Kili's voice, full of helplessness and panic for her, echoed off the walls and left her heart aching to reassure him she'd be fine. But she couldn't, she knew it was too late when she was forced to her knees next to the throne and the cold metal locked around her neck.

It was too tight; she would barely be able to breathe without choking herself on it. The goblins laughed and howled in joy as she tried to rip it off. There wasn't even enough space to get her fingers between it and the skin of her neck.

"She can't breathe!" Thorin growled as he was forced back to his feet, "Take it off!"

"Nonsense!" the great goblin laughed, "A littlebit of air is all she needs. I've heard about her skills in fighting, you thinki'd leave her wild and up to strength?" 


sorry its short

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