Meeting With Thranduil

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 hi guys, sorry for not updating sooner, anyway, here's the next chapter :P


They were led through the forest, away from the dead trees to newer ones full of life and colour. Kili was shoved forward as they crossed the bridge over the fast flowing river and Keerla reached out, steadying him with a glare at the pale haired elf behind them. Her ears caught Legolas ordering the guards to close the gate, but she had little time to think it over.

Keerla and the company were led through the palace built into the roots of the tree, over raised walkways and down cold dank steps that led to the deepest of the prisons. She glanced back as she noticed two of the guards leading Thorin off, but he gave her a quick reassuring smile.

"Where are they taking him?" Kili asked.

"To speak with Thranduil," she replied, frowning, "It will not end well."

The sound of protest reached their ears and they watched as one by one, the company was stripped of their armour, left in breeches and tunics and locked in single cells. Legolas grabbed Kili, shoving him toward another elf and he yelled in protest as he was thrown into a cell and the door of bars slammed behind him.

"Must you be so rough?" Keerla asked, looking at the elf who had handled her husband, but it was Legolas who answered.

"Why do you travel with such . . . beasts?"

She turned her dead eyes on him, and asked, "If they are beasts, then what are you?"

Gritting his teeth, he said nothing more and pushed her into the cell next to Kili's, slamming the door shut.

"I will be back for you soon, the king will want to speak with you," and with that he stormed away.

"Urus d'zun (Fire upon you)" she cursed in Khuzdul, sliding down the door and Kili laughed.

"I love you," he murmured, reaching through the bars for her hand.

"And i you," she smiled, clasping her fingers around his. Her eyes then found Tauriel, "Oh, look at Fili."

Kili and Keerla both watched as the blonde dwarf allowed the red haired Elleth to shove him into a cell, only to turn and asked her, "Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers."

Keera guffawed, quickly hiding her face in her shoulder to smother the noise so she wouldn't interrupt.

Taken aback, Tauriel paused for a second and then answered, "Or nothing."

It was enough for Kili to burst out laughing at his brother's embarrassment and Keerla couldn't hold herself back any longer either. Fili watched Tauriel walk away after she closed the bars on him, then glared at his brother and Keerla. The dark haired Elleth grinned at him and turned to watch Tauriel try to leave, only to be stopped by Legolas.

"I Nogoth amman e tîr gin? Tauriel? (Why does the Dwarf stare at you, Tauriel?)"

"Ú-dangada? (Who can say?)" Tauriel asked, glancing back at Fili with a slight smile and a dreamy look in her eyes, "E orchal be Nogoth. (He's quite tall for a Dwarf.)" Keerla snickered, watching the red head's features change into surprise at what she had said, "Pedithig? (Do you not think?)"

She walked away quickly to avoid any answer, but Legolas called after her, "Orchal eb vui, mal uvanui en. (Taller than some, but no less ugly.)"

He then turned and glared at Fili who glared back, and Keerla and Kili once again descended into fits of laughter. Though Kili hadn't understood any of the elvish, he could make sense of the looks and body language.

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