An Escape

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A few more days passed, and other than sleeping and some interesting stories from the other dwarfs, nothing happened. Tauriel appeared before Keerla, a morning in early September she told the dark haired Elleth, and the two spoke briefly while the dwarfs around them slept unaware.

"It was hard when you left," Tauriel murmured, "Everything fell apart for a while. Even the King."

"You know why i had to go," Keerla replied, brushing a hand over Tauriel's cheek, "Do me a favour, and speak with Fili." The red head perked up, her eyes darting to the blonde dwarf, "He's rather fond of you, and i can see in your eyes that you are fond of him."

"But it cannot be," Tauriel stated, "An Elf and a dwarf-"

"See the dwarf to my right?" Keerla asked and watched her old friend nod, "His name is Kili, he is Fili's younger brother . . . he is my Sodales." The red head gasped, "We are bound and wed not more than two months, being even this far apart causes me grief. The same grief i can see in you, when you turn and leave us in these cells."

"You think – you think Fili is my-"

"It doesn't matter what i think, but what you feel, Tauriel. Now please, he will wake soon, come back and speak to him after you've had breakfast."

"I will see," the red head murmured, hurrying from the dungeons just as the dwarfs started to wake.

Tauriel did eventually return, and Keerla and Kili placed bets and jokes while they watched Fili and Tauriel talk. He told her about his mother's Rune stone, and she laughed at his recklessness. They spoke of Fire Moons and walking among the Stars, they spoke of promises and memories, and all the while Keerla knew Legolas watched from the shadows.

Tauriel returned several times over the next few days, not only did she speak with Fili but with Keerla when the others slept, and on one occasion, Kili too. It was the afternoon of the festival when she visited for the last time, having brought them food and water, and stayed a little longer to share more stories with Fili before having to return to the world above.

"Brother," Kili called out as Fili watched the stairs the Elleth had disappeared down minutes ago, "You're gazing dreamily at a pile of rocks."

"Shut it Kili," Fili muttered.

"Aw he's in love," Keerla teased, making her and Kili laugh, but Thorin's gruff voice cause them to stop.

"Fili don't even bother," he said, peering through the bars toward his oldest nephew's cell, "She's a Mirkwood Elf, she's beneath you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Fili and Kili both asked, though for different reasons.

Glaring at them slightly, he said, "Fili, you are a prince of our people, you could take the throne one day, you should choose someone better to give your affections to, not some she-elf."

Keerla felt her heart sting at his words, and asked, "What's wrong with a she-elf?"

"She is beneath him!" he exclaimed angrily without thinking, then realised what he had said as she flinched back, "Keerla forgive me, I did not mean you. It is just that my nephew deserves more than some Mirkwood guard."

Kili made a noise of outrage but Keerla grasped his hand tightly and said, "How could you not mean me? That describes me perfectly."

"Well it's not as if you are with either of them is it?!" he snarled, getting angry again.

Keerla knew not to take offence, she knew that he was only angry for being trapped for so long, but Kili wasn't letting it go. He released her hand and was on his feet in a second, slamming his fists on the bars to get his uncle's attention.

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