Rascal Rabbits

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the dagger for Estel


Kili was almost dressed when he realised it was too quiet, that the 'bong, bong, bong' had stopped. Keerla, he thought in panic and rushed toward the large pot to tip it over.

"Give me a hand!" he yelled, and Fili, Dwalin and Bofur joined him.

It was only when Nori, Bifur and Bombur came to their aid that they managed to tip the pot onto its side, revealing Keera curled up in a ball with her head on her knees. She looked up at them and let out a small sigh of relief.

"I thought i was done for, i couldn't hear anything," she told them, letting Kili help her to her feet.

"Uh, Keerla?" Fili said, staring at her legs, she raised an eyebrow at his flushed face.


"You're um . . . still half naked," Kili coughed, holding his cloak out to her. She snatched it with pink cheeks and hurried to cover herself up.

"And you're all still staring?!" she exclaimed, glaring between every dwarf, hobbit and wizard.

Everyone turned their backs on her immediately and she cursed in elvish as she disappeared into the foliage, whistling for Baineth. Her mare appeared by the time she had reached the area she used to bathe but her things were gone. The only spare clothes the Elleth had left in her pack were fresh breeches and boots, but she knew it was better than nothing.

She tucked her shirt in, and tried to cover as much of her chest as possible. It wasn't like they could see anything other than the valley between her breasts but it was still more than she was comfortable with. With her hair ties also gone, she had to leave her hair down but managed to twist a piece either side of her head together at the back to hold it in place, clipped with one of her beads.

The others were investigating the troll hole when she caught up with them and after shouldering her bow and fixing her weapons on her waist and thighs, she sent Baineth home. She was already aware that the ponies had fled, so there was no point in her keeping her mare.

"Um, so you found your clothes?" Kili asked, coughing awkwardly as he came and sat beside her.

"You act like you've never seen a naked woman before," Keerla laughed, hiding her embarrassment, "And i know for a fact that is not true."

"Well you're not exactly a dwarf woman," he told her, smirking a little, "They're rather muscular and well, like most dwarf men with beards and everything. You on the other hand . . . the only hair you have is on your head."

"Uh, almost," Keerla shrugged, knowing she had hair on every inch of her body, just nothing like a dwarf. "Kili?"

"Hmm?" he turned to look at her, only to receive a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for catching me, and for the cloak."

"No problem," he grinned, cheeks flushed to match hers.

Keerla smiled as well, turning her attention more to the dwarfs who were now filing out of the hole. She watched Thorin examine an Elvish blade, and Gandalf gave Bilbo a dagger which was more of a sword in the halfling's hands.

A rustling and 'thump, thump' sounds caught Keerla's ears and she stood quickly, peering through the trees. Kili jumped up with her, taking her hand as he watched her study the trees. He wanted to ask what she could see, but was scared he would break her concentration.

"Something's coming!" she snapped, and everyone gathered together, prepared for an attack.

"What is it?" Kili whispered.

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