Chapter 2

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"I have to trust what I do and then do it." -Ednita Nazario


I turned to see a young teenage boy, with a kind looking face. Thankfully. He smiled at me.

"Um, no thank you. I got this." I said picking up Lily with all my strength. He ran up to my side helping me.

He took Lily out of my arms. I was hesitant to let her go. I took a deep breath, trying to convince myself he was a nice boy.

"I'm sorry. But I'm not really comfortable having a stranger carry my sister." I said. He rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. "C'mon you were just at my concert. I can't be much of a stranger." I rubbed my eyes and squinted at him. These contacts weren't doing me any good.

"Oh. I'm just really tired. I'm loosing it." I said nervously. He just smile to himself. "Where's your car?" He asked. I looked around. "It should be around here somewhere.." I trailed off stopping in my tracks.

"No. Shit. No." I whispered. My car was towed. I went ovee my time limit because of Lily's break down. "What?'' He asked. "My car got towed." I said quietly. He looked at me with symapthy. "We can drive you home. Me and the boys." He offered.

"No, I can't let you do that." I shook my head no. "C'mon love, I can't let a beautiful girl like you walk home alone." He paused. "With your sister of course." He laughed nervously. I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Ok, fine. Thank you."

We turned around and started walking to the bus. "What's your name? He asked. My stomach dropped. "My name is Natalie. I'm sorry, but what's yours? It's my sister who-" He interupted me.

"I'm Liam." He smiled.

I simply nodded, not feeling like talking much more. All I wanted was to go to sleep and stop worrying.

I only know I can do one of those things. I looked behind me, making sure I was alone with Liam, and Lily. We were soon at the tour bus. I opened the door for Liam and he carried Lily in.

Before shutting the door behind me, I looked around again and then closed the door.

"LIAM!" I heard a few voices yell. I turned around to see 4 boys.

"Shh. She's sleeping." I snapped. Their heads all turned to me. I rubbed my eyes again trying to see their faces. These contacts were terrible. "Who is this?" One asked turning his face to Liam. Liam smile at me as he laid Lily down. "That's Natalie, we're driving her home."

They all made kissy faces at him. i rolled my eyes and sat down. I eyes closed as I leaned back into the seat. I slowly started to doze off.


Authors Note :

HI. How is it? Please vote and leave your opinions! More is coming! (:


Cover UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora