Chapter 14

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"The truth is forgiveness isn't about the other person, It's always about us. It's about allowing ourselves to heal, to move on and to let the experience change us in a positive way. There will always will love and light if we open that door. When we finally allow ourselves to forgive, let go and make peace with a situation that cannot be changed, we give ourselves the freedom to love others and love life again." -B. Uyemura


2 weeks have gone by, without a word from the police. The only information we have, is from the news.

Jo's and Lily's face were on every magazine, newspaper you could name. The boys know it was me who called. I told them right after.

They were upset yes, Zayn the most. Now they have forgiven me. I'm lucky for that.

We are all shocked still. I mean you wouldn't be.

I still hear her screams. Lily's screams. Right before I go to bed I hear it. I don't like it, it scares me.

The tour is over and the boys and I out back in our homes. Our family homes.

The boys and I all live together, but we wanted to spend sometime with out families.

There was knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said.

My mom appeared in the doorway.

"Hun, Harry called." She spoke slowly.

"What'd he say?" I asked shutting my laptop.

"The police contacted him saying you boys could come visit now." She said.


She nodded.

"When are they going?" I asked.

"Niall is flying in tomorrow, and the boys are already on their ways. It's near Zayn's hometown, I guess. I have all the directions." She held out a piece of paper.

"Then I should get going." I said quickly.

I pulled out a suitcase and started to throw in some clothes.

"Why so soon?" My moms voice shook when she spoke.

"Mum. We promised that we would help them. We can't just let them off on their own." I said.

"What's going to happen to those girls, Liam." She spoke soft and quiet.

"Nothing. Not while I'm there." I said.


"You boys ready for this?" Niall asked.

We stood in front of the doors of the police station in a smaller kind of town. They were investigating in London but moved here last week.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

Harry walked in first, then Zayn, then Louis, then Niall, and that left me.

Jo and Lily probably hated me. But I walked in anyway.

We stood in a large room, carpeted floors, lots of chairs.

Harry went up to the desk. There was a lady typing on the computer and didn't bother to look up.

"Um, we're here to see Joanna and Lily Hampton." Harry spoke through the glass. The lady immediately stopped typing and looked up at Harry through her glasses.

"They weren't expecting anyone." She said in an annoyed tone.


"You boys can come on back."

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