Chapter 9

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"I've always wanted to be one of those people who didn't really care much about what people thought about them. But I just don't think I am." - Harry Styles

Liam's POV :

We stayed quiet, unsure of how to respond.

I have heard of Joanna Hampton before. Seen her on magazines and news papers when I was younger.

She was never found.

But here we are, meeting Jo. The girl who is still missing. The girl who everyone thought was dead.

I'm in shock, I think we all are.

"We're going to keep the promise though." Niall said.

She just shook her head and looked down.

"Just drop us off, anywhere. Please." She said.

"You think we're going to leave you on the streets after what you just told us?" Harry said.

"Um, yeah." She looked back up at us.

I caught her eye.

You could tell she was Lily's sister now.

"We're not going to leave you." I said quietly.

"We're going to help you."

"I don't need any help." She said and looked away from me.

"We're not letting you leave Jo." Harry said.

"Ok, ok. Before we make any promises let explain myself to you, alright?" She said sitting back.

We all nodded in response.

"I'm not an easy person to be with. I know that. I probably won't even try to make it easy for you. I'll be really difficult at times. It may seem like, at times, that I don't like you, I don't need you, but I really do. I'll be a challenge, because I'm not the kind of person who people walk All over. I'm not the kind of person who puts up with bullshit. When I say something, I mean it. If people are assholes to me, boom, I'm done with them. I'm annoying, I'm hilarious, and I'm the worlds biggest jerk. I'll make you want to punch walls; I'll ruin your day, then save it at the last minute. I'll drive you crazy and, sometimes, you'll hate my guts. But even though that's all gonna happen, and I swear it will, I do have an amazing side to me. I have a big heart. I'll be there when you need me. Even if my life is impossibly knotted, I'll try, and untangled yours by listening. I won't stop caring about you, even if you push me away. You boys are different, you care, and I like that. It's nice to find people who are different in this hateful world, because too many people are all the same. It might be a challenge worth taking, maybe not. But that's for you to decide."

She looked at each of us, individually. She got up and walked into the other room.

"I say we help her." Zayn said.

"But she said she doesn't need help." I said.

"And you believe her?" Harry crinkled his eyebrows.

"Well, no. But I don't want to invade her personal business.."

Louis cut me off, "I think we already did."

"Wouldn't we get in troubled? From keeping this from the police..?" I said.

The boys shrugged.

"I think we'll be able to convince her, so we can report her in." Niall said.

"She doesn't seem like a convincing person, though." I breathed out.

"Just give the girl a chance." Zayn spoke up.

"These poor girls, have been living hell. And we're not going to help? Liam, don't worry about the police right now. When Jo is ready, we'll tell someone. Ok? When she told us what she's been through, did anyone else besides me feel heart broken. She needs a friend, or five. And Lily needs us. We all know it." Zayn said.

"Ok. It's worth a shot." I shrugged.

Jo's POV :

I never actually thought I would come clean.

Especially to five people I barely know.

But really, what other choice did I have?

Lily is actually happy I told them. But I'm terrified. I'm so scared that at any moment, I would hear sirens outside.

I was actually at the moment, sitting in the bathtub. No water or anything.

I was just sitting, thinking.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

Zayn, I believe, stood in the doorway. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Hey." He said as he slid down the wall. He hugged his knees to his chest.

"Hey." I whispered. "So, um. What did you guys decide?" I asked.

I made eye contact with him, but quickly looked away.

"Um, we chose to keep you and Lily-. Wow that sounded really weird.."

"Really?" I asked.

"What?" He said looking up.

"You're going to take that risk?" I shook my head back and forth in disbelief.

"We'll yeah, we're not just going to leave you on the streets Jo. Did you really think we would do that to you and Lily?" He asked.

Zayn knelt down in front of the tub. Only inches away from me.

I turned my head.

"Kind of. I mean from the impression I've got from Liam. You guys seem caught up in fame. No offense, but you seem full of yourself. You all do." I said.

I looked over at him. He wasn't looking me anymore. But his face looked hurt.

"We're not, really. We aren't stuck up. Not at all." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just Liam-"

"Liam is an amazing lad, Jo. He's not stuck up, and not caught up in fame. He just got a wrong first impression on you, I mean we all did. You have a hard shell to break, Jo. I can already tell. But we're gonna help you, even if you don't want any help. I can tell we're gonna be great friends some day." He said. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm sorry I said that. I just actually, haven't had a conversation with anyone besides Lily in a while. And I don't know, I'm just a mess." I mumbled.

"You're not a mess, Jo. I think you're a sweet, yet confusing girl that is full of secrets." He paused.

"But we just haven't figured out what those secrets are."

"You don't think I'm a mess?" I asked.

He took a deep breath. "Jo, why would you think you're a mess?" He placed his hand on my knee.

"That's just what people have told me."


Authors Note:

Hey, I just started school today so it might be taking me longer to update. Plus volleyball. But anyway there is more to come (: Comment!


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