Chapter 13

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"My nightmares are usually about losing you." -Peeta Mellark


I rested my chin on the top of Lily's head. She was slowly drifting to sleep, after all the crying.

Lily knew exactly what I meant when I said that simple line. She immediately broke down.

When the boys were done changing, they wanted to know what was going on. I didn't say anything. I just shook my head.

I wanted to break down and cry then. But I didn't. I wanted to, but didn't.

We were back on the bus now. I just sat alone with Lily in my arms.

The boys didn't bother us, and I appreciated that.

I put Lily down and tucked her underneath the covers. I bent down and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

I walked out of the bedroom and went in the bathroom.

I took off my wig, nose, and contacts. I put on my pjs.

I walked to where the boys were laying. they were all asleep. I sat on the couch alone.

I opened my journal.

The pages were old, and torn at the corner. But as everyone says, don't judge a book by the cover.

I wrote different sorts of poems, just to get my feelings out.

The devil today is one like no other

It rips and tears at one another

I've seen it before

No not today

A time where the skies were grey

Its eyes aren't bloodshot

Nor skin red

You wouldn't think it was evil

No not a trace

It wears a mask

One of my face


I closed the journal and I looked over at the boys.

Their faces were calm and peaceful.

Just plain beautiful.

To be honest I think people are genially beautiful. How everyone looks different and has their own personality. They have little quirks and habits that makes us interesting.

That makes us beautiful in our own ways.

I don't know much about people, real people. All I know is cold-hearted ones, who aren't beautiful, in any way.

In order to beautiful you have to think others are beautiful.

That's the way I think of it.

I heard someone clear their throat. Liam's eyes squinted at me.

"Jo, you should head to bed. It's late." He mumbled.

"Okay." I said quietly, standing up. he rolled over to his side.

"Jo?" He asked.

"Yes." I said turning my head.

"If you want to talk about anything, I'm here." He said.

"I know."


The next morning. I woke up from laughter. I groaned and put the pillow on top of my head.

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