Chapter 25

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"I'm a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it's good or bad." -Sandra Bullock

Liam's POV :

"Hold your breath." She said.


"Stop breathing now." She said.

I did as she told me too, until we finally parked in the cemetery. She let out a breath, so I did the same.

"Why did we do that?"

"Well if everyone here is unable to breath, why should we? It's disrespectful to the dead, and I don't want to mock anyone."

I laughed.

"I'm not joking." She glared at me. We got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of where the graves began.

"When I was little. I used to make my dad buy a ton of flowers and I would lay one on each gravestone, so no one felt unloved." She said as we walked in.

"Isn't it terrible how many families don't come to visit their loved ones, or how many gravestones are unknown." She said.

I nodded at her comments.

"You stay here. I don't want you watching me." She stopped at a tall tree.

"But I don't want you to go off on your own." I said.

"It's private Liam," she said. "I'll come back as soon as I'm done." She put her hands in her coat pocket and walked away from me.

I watched her stop and stand still. She was probably trying to remember where the gravestones were.

She turned directions and started looking gravestone to gravestone. Finally, she came to a stop.

But when she stopped she fell to her knees and grabbed onto the stone.

I ran toward her, but stopped when I was near.

She was shaking, and crying, and mumbling words.

I wanted to go and comfort her but I knew she would murder me if I touched her at a time like this. So I kept my distance.

I couldn't make out much of what she was saying. But I kept here her say that she was sorry, over and over again.

She got up after a few minutes, wiped her eyes, and continued looking.

She then stopped at two rather large gravestones. Which I'm guessing were her parents.

She didn't fall but she laid down in between the two stones.

I walked closer to her.

"I wish I was with you guys." She said aloud.

"I miss you, ya know? Lily's big now. She doesn't remember you. But she still loves you. I want you to know that."

"She's so beautiful. You would be so proud of her, I know it."

"Aunt Casey's alive. She took me and Lily in. I don't like her. No offence, Dad. I know she was your sister and all, but she's a bîtch." She laughed.

"I'm doing okay, if you were wondering. These five boys are helping me out. They're really nice, and Lily loves them. I'm kind of jealous."

"Mom, I know I never had the chance to talk to you about boys, but I could really use some advice. I know you both probably knew I was kidnapped and knew the boy that was with me. I really liked him, mom. I think I still do, but I don't even know if he's alive, or if I'll ever see him again."

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