Chapter 10

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"Every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back." -Unkown


I woke up the next morning, in the same bed I've been sleeping in for days.

I guess it wasn't a dream.

I sat up in bed and looked around. Everyone still looked to be sleeping. I mean, it is only 7 am.

I always wake up early when I'm nervous.

I got out of bed quietly, and walked into the main part of the bus. I sat up on a stool and opened the curtain.

We looked to be on a highway.

I watched as we passed by the many trees, only seeing building here and there.

I ran my fingers through my hair.

My life is ruined.

It always has been, but this little adventure made it worse.

I just want to get the hell out of here. Just go back into hiding, like "normal". We would all just pretend we never met, that they never found out about me and Lily.

But in the back of my mind, I know that won't happen. I know these idiots won't let us go, after everything I had told them already.

"Hey." I heard someone from behind me. I turned my head to see who it was.

"Hey, Liam." I said quietly.

He sat across from me, and looked out the window.

"You want some coffee?" He asked. I could tell he was uncomfortable with me.

"Um, yeah. Thanks." I said.

He got up and started to make the coffee. It was just silent. Only the sounds of the coffee machine filled the blank air.

I was mad that he hasn't apoligized, from all the stuff he said to me. I deserve one.

"Here you go." He set the coffee on the table. I wrapped my hands around the mug and took a sip.

We sat quietly, not bothering to speak. I'm ok with that, too. I didn't feel like speaking to him. So, I just looked out the window.

Last night, when I was speaking to Zayn in the bathroom, he seemed upset when I called them all stuck-up. I feel bad about it too. I mean of they were, I wouldn't be still sitting on this bus right now.

Zayn seemed like he really cared about me and Lily too. And it's so weird to think that. Nobody has really cared in a long time. And I guess you could say we needed some friends, even though I never will admit that to anyone.

Could see Liam in the corner of my eye. He was looking down at his coffee, tapping his fingers on the sides.

I took a deep breath.

Liam finally spoke up.

"So, you think I'm a jerk?"

I turned in my seat to face him, and his head raised up.

"Zayn told?" I asked.

"So it's true." He breathed out.

"Well, that's what I told him." I paused. "I just assumed it from what I got out of our conversations. But I don't know you and you don't know me. So there's no point in judging."

"True." He shrugged. "But we do know each other.." He trailed off.

"Listen, you know my story, and I kind of know yours. But we don't know who the other really is." I said and looked back out the window.

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