Chapter 21

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"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir, because I'm not myself you see." -Alice in Wonderland


There wasn't a day in my life that I have ever felt like I was insane. I was always told I was, but never believed it. Maybe because I'm too insane to think I'm insane, if that makes sense. I do insane things a lot, but I wouldn't describe myself as insane. Other people have said that though, and will say it someday. But today is different. I truly believe that I am insane. Instead of waking myself up, I awoke others. But I didn't know I had, I didn't know what was going on. I was just there. With Lily crying and Aunt Casey traumatized.


I don't know.

Lily's POV:

I woke up from bloodcurdling screams. They repeated over and over again. I have heard the screams before, they were Jo's. They were the kind, when she-.

My bedroom door opened and Aunt Casey appeared in the doorway with a scarce look over her face.

"Lily come here." She said quickly. I followed her out the room and down the hall, Jo's room. I was afraid to see what was behind the door.

"What's wrong with Jo? Why is she screaming?" I started to cry as I grabbed onto her shirt.

"I was hoping you knew." She said quietly. She opened the bedroom door, and I saw Jo in her bed, screaming in her sleep. Nothing was happening to her, she just laid there screaming.

She was saying anything in her screams, it was just a piercing scream repeating itself.

I cringed at the look of Jo. I ran to her bed, not daring to touch her remembering what happened last time this happened.

"Does she do this often?" Aunt Casey walked towards me.

"Yeah, it's happened a few times." I whispered. "It's her nightmares that she has, I don't know what there about though. Once she wakes up she's clueless of what happened, and doesn't even know she had a dream."

"Oh my God." She dragged me back away from the bed, as Jo sat up and started banging her bed against the wall. Grabbing onto the headboard the she forcefully pushed the bed back and forth, make dents on the wall.

At every hit she screamed, "STOP, STOP, STOP." After about ten times there was multiple holes in the wall and Jo stopped the banging.

She got her pillow and flung it across the room bouncing of the window.

"We have to wait for it to stop." I mumbled as the tears still fell from my eyes.

"I can't watch this anymore." She said.

Jo grabbed onto her own hair and began to yank on it, while her screams got more high pitched.

Aunt Casey walked over to Jo.

"Don't touch her, you'll only make things worse." I cried out.

She ignored my and pulled something out of her pocket. It was a clear bottle with a gold cross on it. Holy water?

"Jo, calm down please." Aunt Casey grabbed onto Jo's wrist and pulled them down with her hand. Jo stopped screaming and her head slumped down.

It was silent.

Then all of a sudden Jo threw Aunt Casey off of her, causing her to hit her head on the nightstand. She quickly got up and pushed Jo onto the bed, making Jo scream once again. Her hand grabbed a hold of Aunt Casey hair and threw her onto floor. I sunk onto the floor. 

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