Chapter 3

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You sat there with Dave for about 10 minutes watching family feud. No one spoke, until the door bell rang. 'RING'

'Thank god' you thought.

You opened the door to see Karkat, Sollux, Mituna, and Willow. "Hey" you say

"Hey I was going to bring theses guys hope you don't mind"

"Oh I don't mind but can Dave hitch a ride to? His Bro wouldn't take him."

Dave stood up and came by the door too, to see who it was.

"Umm someone is going to have to sit on someone"

Silence filled the room and hallway.

"We will figure it out when we get to my truck" Willow says

All the boys took the elevator while you and Willow took the stairs. Lazy fucks.

"So. (Y/N) do you like someone?"

"Ummm. No why?"

"Because you and Dave would be cute"

You stop walking and glare at her.

"What.?" She giggles

"Nothing" you keep walking until you get to the floor and see the boys aren't off the elevator yet. Omg come on we are only on the 3rd floor. The elevator door opened and a blushing Dave came out with the rest of them with a grin. I wasn't going to ask.

Time for the Beach!


Sorry that was short! But the next one will be longer! (That's what she said). Ok Luv ya. Bye!


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