Chapter 12

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It's Sunday, your Birthday. You never really celebrated your birthday when your parents where alive. What happened was they were either out of town or forgot. U would just sit in your room eating junk food or watching your favorite movie.

U sighed and got up to go look at ur computer. Today u turn 17. Fun. Today u want to get ur nose pierced. U will talk to Dave about it later. U got up and walked to ur computer and logged into pesterchum. There were many messages from everyone saying Happy birthday. U replied with a thanks or love u too. U smiled realizing u have really great friends that love u. U walk out of your room and reach the living room and hear singing. Ur brows frown and u want into the kitchen and see Dave dancing and singing to candy shop. U mentally face palm.

U walk over to him "I'll take ya to the candy shop" u sang as u came up to him from behind and wrapped ur arms around his waist. He turned around and continued singing "I'll let cha lick my lollypop" u smile

Dave lifts u up "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY GORGEOUS GIRL FRIEND" u giggle as he swings u around. He brings u down a bit and kisses u and u kiss back. He sets u down and u walk over to the stove to see what he's cooking. Bacon eggs and....potatoes! Ur favorite! Dave chuckles as he sees ur eyes widen when u see the potatoes. Dave turns u around and kisses u "it'll be done in a little bit. Go get dressed and take a shower" u nod and run up stairs

When u got to the top u went to the bathroom to take a shower. When u finished showering u dried off and took a blow dryer to your hair. put on your makeup which was eyeliner, mascara, and concealer. Not a lot but eh who cares. U grab your curling iron and start to curl your hair.(if ur hair long enough hair)

You walked to your room and put on a white crop top and shorts with a light blue sweater (The picture). After u finish u walked down the stairs with a skip in ur step. U walked into the kitchen and seen it beautifully placed on the table and Dave getting to cups of AJ. U giggled and sat down and crossed ur legs in the chair. Dave walked over with his and ur cups and set them down and kissed ur forehead. "Happy birthday babe" U smiled and Dave sat down and started to and same with u. Ur conversation was weird. Dave had a bruise on his neck and had a bandage on it and said he fucked doc MC smoffin. U made a terrible pick up line and said I bet cause u are a doll. He chuckled at ur stupidness.

When u finished, dave picked up both your plates and cups. "So what do u want to do today?"

"We are going to do something?!" U said jokingly. Dave chuckled and walked to the living room and grabs a red jacket. Dave opened the door for u and u smiled and walked out. Dave locked the door and walked to the car and got in.

When u were in dave looked at u. "So what do u want to do today?" Dave said with a straight face. "I can do anything?" U said with excitement. He shook his head yes and ur eyes widen. "What if I get my nose pierced!"

Dave chuckled at ur excitement and tapped ur nose. "Sure U would look so adorable with it" dave said as he pulled out of the drive way.

U guys got to the mall and u ran in Dave was texting someone u think Karkat u didn't know. Dave finished and walked up to u and put an arm around ur shoulders and u put ur arm around his torso.

U guys walked into the shop that does piercing and tattoos. U walked in and a lady walked up to u right away. "Welcome to the dark side something I can help u with?" She said with no emotion. She had long black hair, black shirt that had BVB on it and black skinny jeans and a red flannel wrapped around her waist. To be honest u really like her style.

"Uh ya I wanted to get my nose pierced" she nodded and motioned u to follow her and u and Dave did. She took u to a room and set u in a chair and walked out of the room to u guess get the supplies. U were kinda nervous but didn't show it. Dave walked over to u and took off ur glasses and put them on the top of his head. U chuckled as the lady walked back in and put the needle thing on the table.

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