Chapter 8

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You woke up in a bed that wasn't yours. You got up and looked around. Oh yea you stayed the night at Dave's... Duh. You walked down stairs to find Dave, but you couldn't. 'O well I guess I'll come back when I'm changed in MY clothes because today is school' you thought as you opened the door to leave. You shut his door and used your key to get into your appartment.

You opened the apartment only to see your mother on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth. The bad thing was it was dry blood not fresh. You started freaking out, you grabbed your phone and dialed 911 then ran to Dave appartment. By now you where crying and trembling.

You banged on Daves door and Dirk answered. "Wh- whoa what's wrong?" He said as he seen you crying. You grabbed his arm and took him into your apartment. "Hello police department what's your emergency?"

"Hello m-my mother i-is on-" Dirk took the phone from you and pointed to his apartment telling you to go get Dave you nodded as he explained everything thing to the lady.

You ran into the apartment door that was still open. "D-DAVE ELIZABETH STRIDER W-WHERE THE FUCK ARE Y-YOU?!!" I screamed from down stairs "What?! And how do you know my middle name?!" He was up stairs and he came running down to see you crying he stopped dead in his tracks. "Omg what's wrong?" He came up to you and hugged you to death.

He didn't let go of you, you just cried into his shoulder. "(Y/n) what's wrong?" He said seemingly worried. "my mother's.. s-she's dead" you say

"omg (y/n), I'm so sorry" he hugged you and told Dirk he was going to take you into his room so you don't have to see her.


You laid in Dave's room on his bed staring at the ceiling. Dave was down stairs cooking you some soup. 'Where am I going to live' 'how am I going to eat' 'I don't have money'. You sighed and put your hands over your face and cried.

Dave came in with the bowl and put it on the table. "You feeling any better?" "No" "want some soup?" "Not right now but thank you" he laid down in between your legs laying on you and laid his head on your boobs looking at the wall "I'm really sorry"

"It's not your fault"

"I know but I don't know how it feels I never had any parents only Dirk" he said as his moved head to look at you. You pet his hair and smiled. "How come you didn't have parents?"

"Well I never really meet them. I don't even know their names." He sighed and looked at the wall laying his head back on you boobs. "So what about you what happened to your dad?"

You sigh "well when I was growing up my father abused me and my mother. He would cut us" you showed his a scar on your arm "he would pull out our hair" you showed him an uneven part in your hair. "He even made my mother his sex slave..... He never let us out of the house I didn't go to school I was homeschooled.... But when I was 8 my father he was coming for me..... and" you giggled "my mother hit him with a chair which knocked him out. My mother called the police and they took him away" you smiled think of good memories with your mom

He was staring at you like you just killed his puppy. He hugged your stomach. "Omg I'm sorry you had a fucked up childhood"

"Ya but I learned to move on with things"

".... But what if you died... I wouldn't have got to meet my amazing girlfriend" you smile "you want to skip school?" He asked. You looked at your phone. 8:45. "Yes we are already 45 minutes late."

"Kk so what do you want to do today?"

"Idk.... Build fort?.... Eat?.... Watch Netflix?"

"Yes. Yes. And yes" He said with excitement. "Come on let's go tell Dirk we are skipping and get food and blankets!" You said giggling

You guys ran out of the room and walked to Dirk who was sitting on the couch eating Doritos. "We are skipping today" Dave said

"ok cool idc" Dirk said with a mouth full of Doritos.

You guys ran back up stairs and got like 20 blankets. "Hey (y/n)?"


"Ya know you can stay here with me and Dirk right?"

"REALLY!?" You sai- yelled.

"Ya I mean I am sure Dirk is cool with it if not fuck him he can deal with my girlfriend."

"Thanks Dave" u said hugging him

"Yeah and you can sleep in here we can get your stuff later"

"Cool beans"

~~TIME SKIP to after fort is done~~

You and Dave layed on your belly's under the blanket fort watching Adventure time. It was around midnight and you and Dave where hella tired from making that fort you will probably get your stuff tomorrow. You hear Dave yawn as he lays his head on your back. You don't care because you normally sleep on your stomach anyway. You lay your head on a pillow and fall asleep.

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