Chapter 5

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You and Dave both went up to Willow

"Why are we setting up a fire?"

"O shit sorry I forgot to tell you that we are camping here... I got a licence so don't worry about that"

"I didn't bring clothes nor a tent! Willow why didn't you tell me!" You say in anger

"Sorry I forgot!" She said

It turns out even the guys that road with Willow even brought theirs! Why didn't you see the bags!

"I brought a tent, its super big. It can fit up to like 8 people. But Sollux is sleeping in there to. And I have some extra clothes, you can use my shirt then use your shorts" Dave said as he butted in.

You look at Willow to see her smirking and eyebrow wiggling. You roll your eyes and look back at Dave.

"Really? Thanks!" You say trying your best not to blush.

You Willow and Dave all sat by the fire with everyone else. Everyone was ethier talking or looking at the fire... Until Karkat stood up.



"Ok so... Uh let me.." Jake grabs a stick. "So here is the 'microphone'. I point it at you and you rap, we will split it into teams" jake says.

~~Time SKIP~~
So your team was Dave, Willow, Sollux, Cronus, Mituna, Jade, Nepeta, Dirk, and Eridan. Some weren't playing but you had a feeling you can do this.

"Ok so lets go" Jake says as he points the 'microphone ' at Dave. Dave thinks for a moment then then grabs the 'Microphone' and stands up and walks to Dirk and says..

"Your a snake without a rattle. You're a boat without a paddle. You're a duck without a waddle. You're a horse without a saddle. The ranch without the caddle. The day without the shadow. Son I think you should skedaddle." Dave rapped.

Most people oooooed and some people booed. Dave did a mic drop thing and sat back down.


This went on for like 10 mins. The best was Gamzee because he said something like "Faygo my Lego" don't know what it means and I don't want to... Jake points the micro at you and you stand up and grab the microphone and look at Jake and smirk..

"Your wearing camouflage pants that isn't a trick, but you know it will make it harder for Dirk to find your dick!" You rapped

"ooooooooooooooooooooooooo" everyone screamed and Jake and Dirk glared at you "you came up this dumb ass game" you say to Jake and you kiss his cheek "sorry not sorry" you sit back down and most people are still Oing but most stopped. Dave high five you and smirked.


After everyone was done everyone got up and walked to their tent. "Here" Dave said as he gave you his shirt that looks just like the one he was wearing earlier. You look and him and see he isn't wearing a shirt "thanks" you say blushing. You slip it over your bathing suit top, it was big on you but it will work. You slipped on your shorts over your bathing suit bottoms.

When you were all done you Sollux and Dave all walked to Dave's tent and seen two mattresses. "Sorry I didn't know you would sleep in here so I only brought two"

"Nah its cool I can sleep on the floor" you say getting in the tent. Dave grabs your arm. "No you can sleep on my bed with me its big enough for two"

"Oh.. okay" 

"Ew but no makiing out toniight ii'm iin here" Sollux says as he gets in the tent and jumps on his bed. You blush so hard, good thing its dark so no one could see it.

"Shut up" Dave said as he got in and laid on the bed. You walked over to Sollux and glare at him. "What?" He says.

You walk over to Dave's bed while he is still watching you and you sit on the bed and look at him and flip him off before you lay down and look at Dave face you with his eyes closed and his glasses off. You grabbed his eyelids and lifted up them up so you can see his eyes. "Your eyes are so pretty" "thanks but not as pretty as you" he says and stares at you. He leans in and kisses you making a weird sound causing Sollux to gag. "Shut up Captor!" Dave says.

You giggle and close your eyes falling asleep.

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