Chapter 20

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Today's the day you get out it was about 6:00pm and you were so bored. You were looking at your ceiling when you hear footsteps heading towards your cell. You look up and see a police office unlocking your cell. "Miss (l/n) you have a visitor" you smile and shoot up and he leads you to the booth and crap. You head up the stairs and see people sitting talking with people. The man leads you to your window and you are Dave, you smile and wave. He smiles and waves back. The guys leave a and you grab the phone. "Hey" you say after he grabbed his phone. "Hows it going" he asks pushing up his glasses. "Boring af. I cant wait to get home." he chuckles and you smile.


After about 45 minutes of talking the guy walked up to you. "Excuse me miss it's time to go back to your cell" You sigh and put your hand on the window and he puts his on the window and you put the phone back. You wave and leave walking down the stairs. You got back and sat on your bed.


You were sitting on your bored out of your mind. At one point you found a piece of plastic and started to draw on you legs but after an hour of doing it your skin started to hurt. Right now you are tapping your feet on your bed. You hear some foot steps and look out to see a man officer. "Its time miss (l/n)" you smile and stand up as he opens the stale door. You walk out and walk down the hall and see girls glaring at you and you keep your head low. You get to the office and see Dave waiting for you. You smile and walk over hugging him. "Omg it was so boring" he chuckles and you let go and sign a few things then they let you go.

You get to the house and see Dirk sitting on the couch and he gets up and hugs you. "Hey lil sis how was Jail" you sigh "horrible it's so boring" he chuckles and you walk up stairs and jump on Dave's bed. You put a pillow over your face and sigh. "NEVER TRUSTING ANY FUCKERS NO MORE" you scream into the pillow and Dave scoffs sitting by you and you sit up and cough. "Can you teach me how to dj now" you say out of no where and he smiles and stands up pulling you to his turn tables.


After about 3 and a half hours of doing this Dave thought you were almost as good as him. But come on he is your bf he isn't gonna say you suck. But you think your good.. Ish. Anyway you were I playing with the turn tables and you giggles when Dave wraps his arms around your waist. "Come on let's do something" he says kissing your neck and you blush "like what" you say turning towards him. He pushes you against the wall and kisses your jaw line. You blush "maybe something like this" he squeezes your ass making you sqeal and he chuckles and rubs his hands up your sides. You moan and he smiles into your neck giving you a hickey. You hear the house phone ring and you push Dave a little and he doesn't budge. You groan a little, "Dave I need to answer the phone" you say holding Dave's shoulders "they can wait" you groan and you hear them talking for the voice mail "hi I was calling for (y/n) (l/n) this is her grandmother" you and Dave both freeze and you run to the phone and pick it up. "Hello?" you said nervously
"Hi I'm calling for (y/n) (l/n)" she says again
"This is her"
"O hello (y/n)! This is your grandma!"
"Grandma who"
"Mary! You probably don't remember me the last time you seen me was when you were 1 and a half" she says making you think. That's around the time your dad left. "Are you my dad's mom" you ask and she say "yes" you glare at phone "why'd you call" you ask sharply and Dave hits your shoulder lightly and you shake your head "uh I was calling to say that I have custody over you so by April 6th you have to move in with me or you will go into an adoption program" You stay still that's in 5 days "what?"
"Ya sorry honey. Where do you live now"
"With my boyfriend" you say growling a bit "ok if you want today or tomorrow I can come over and help you move everything" you gulp and sigh "I guess if that's what it takes to not be in an adoption center sure. Thank you. You can come over today to make it faster" alright what's your address" you told her the address and hung up with her. You looked at Dave and he smiled and hugged you. "Its alright it's better then you moving across the country. Plus we will still see each other at school and you can come over everyday and hang out" you smile and nod into his shoulder. "I should probably go get my this packed" you say standing up and Dave follows. You get to his room and pack everything in boxes. You finish about 30 minutes later and you and Dave walk back down stairs.

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