Chapter 14

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U woke up in bed in Dave's arms around ur waist. U really love waking up like this. When he has his arms around and he wakes up and he has beautiful red eyes on u.

U smile and roll over on top of him. U shake him a little and he opens his red eyes. U smile and kiss him he was taken back a bit but kisses back.

"Today we are going on a triple date" u say getting off Dave's stomach and walking to ur closet to look for clothes.

U pulled out a Mickey crop top and shorts. U throw them on and walk into the bathroom and brush ur hair and teeth.

After u finish u walk out and down stairs. U lay down on couch and turn on the tv to Ghost Busters. U can hear footsteps from upstairs and then coming down.

U moved ur head back and seen Dave coming down the stairs with no glasses u smiled and he walked over and laid on u putting his head in ur boobs. U giggle and pet his hair. Good thing it was only 8 in the morning cause u are leaving at 4 plus he fell back asleep.

I guess so did u.


U wake up with Dave on ur boobs and U sigh U move a little and Dave groaned u smile and he looks at u. U smile and kiss his head and he smiles back. He lets go and u head into the kitchen.

When u get in the kitchen u look at the oven and see the time. It's already 3:00?! What? How late did u stay up? Dam. U wanted to make something fast so u grabbed two top Roman and grab a pan. U set it on the stove with water in it and wait for it to boil.

While waiting u should wake up Dave. U walk into the living room and see him looking at the ceiling. U chuckle and climb over the couch and sit on his stomach and look down at u with his red eyes. He smiles and moves a piece of hair out of ur face and u smile.

He had both his hands on both sides of ur hips and u had ur hands on his torso. U leaned down to his face as he started to slowly move his hands downward to ur ass. U smirked as u got really close to his face and stopped right before u can kiss him

He growled and squeezed ur ass and u squealed and he pulled u down and kissed u. U smiled in the kiss, he had one hand on ur butt and the other on ur hip. He slowly started to make his way up ur shirt with his hand, u growled and moved his hand back down and he frowned.

U can hear the water boiling over and sit up "shit" u got up and ran to the stove and cleaned off the water and put the noodles in the water and start to stir it. Dave walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge and grabs 2 AJ's and hands u one.

U open it and sip it and look at the time 3:20. U groan and keep stiring the noodles. Dave walks up to u and wraps his arms around u and puts his face into the crook of ur neck "what's wrong babe?" u blush and smile, he never really called u a nickname.

"Nothing we have 40 minutes to get ready before we have to meet ur brother willow Abby and John at the fair" u say turning off the stove. Dave moves his face out of ur neck "O I'll go get dressed real quite so u don't have to worry." he says running up the stairs

U giggle and put the noodles in the bowls and put the pan in the sink and Dave comes down with no shirt but his white shirt with his scratched record in his hand. U walked over to the table and put the bowls on the tables and put it down. Dave comes over and sits in front of u.

U look at his chests and raise a brow. "What didn't want to see this sexy bod" u roll u eyes and take a bite. He chuckles and continues "I'm just kidding it's white so I don't want to get noodle juice on it" u laugh cause it sounds wrong and he rolls his eyes and scoffs


On the way to the fair u where driving. U and Dave were singing to song like Gas Pedal by Sage the Gemini, hello kitty by Avril Lavigne, Milkshake by Kelis, and after awhile Dave thought ur singing was amazing so he put on rolling in the deep by Adele and u hit the high notes perfectly and he recorded u when u weren't looking and posted them on his snap chat story. Which he just got and didn't know how to use it which u had to explain.

But it was worth it because u guys send each other snaps all the time and screenshot them. Dave's home screen is one where ur sticking out ur tongue and I have a peace sign and his lock screen is of u and him kissing.

U got to the fair 2 minutes early and seen everyone by the ticket stand with their bracelets. U and Dave pay for ur bracelets. Ok more like he paid for them and wouldn't let u.

"Heyy" u said waving. U where one of the smallest in this group. First smallest was willow then u then Abby. For the guys the smallest was John then Dave then Bro. Ya 2nd to shortest not really fun. Everyone looks down on u.

Anyway. "Hi ready to go on rides?" Abby ask linking arms with John. U smile, they're pretty cute together. "Yes I want to go on that one!" I point to on where the ride spins around in like a two seater. Everyone agrees. U grab Dave's hand and skip to the line and wait. While waiting Abby touched your neck and u squealed and she giggled. U forgot about the hickeys shit.

The guy let u all in and u and Dave sit in the same seat and Abby and John and Bro and willow. The guy buckles u guys in and starts the ride. It starts to lift slowly then starts to spin fast. Faster and faster. U laugh and let the wind blow in ur hair. The ride ends and u get off and Dave grabs ur hand and u giggle.


It started to get really dark and u already has a huge stuffed animal and a baby one that looks like it. U sighed and that's when willow and Abby thought oh let's go on the farris wheel. Everyone agreed and got in line.

"Only four per cart" the guy said holding the door open for someone to go in. "We can all go" Abby points to willow bro and John. U nodded and u got on a different one with Dave.

U sat down and Dave sat next to u and the bear sat in front of u guys. The ride started and Dave puts an arm around U. U smiled and looked over the edge looking over him. U catch him staring at u and sit back down "u know the view is that way" u say pointing to the city lights. He pulls u closer "but what if this view is a lot more gorgeous" u blush and look at him and smile. U kiss him passionately and let go and look at the view again.

U passed Abby every few minutes and u guys would make a weird face every time.

Dave's pov

Dam (y/n) is so amazing she's like the GF everyone has ever wanted. I love her so much, I just want to kiss her. U know what I will. She was leaning against my chest and looking at the view. I lifted her up and she looked at me and I smacked my lips into hers

(y/n)'s pov

I was staring at the view leaning on Dave when he pushed me and and I looked at me and kissed me! I mean I don't mind. After a few seconds of small kissing he pushed me against the wall of the cart thing and shoved his tongue in my mouth. This soon turns into a hot make out section and we pass the others. "WOW GO (Y/N)" willow yells "GET SOME!" Abby yells and u guys stop.

After the ride stops Dave gets out and u follow grabbing the bear. He signals u to get on his back. U giggle and jump on his back and lay ur head on his shoulder.

U guys wave and say goodbye to ur friends and u guys leave. When u and Dave got to the house he carried u to the bed and sets u down and climbs in first. It was about 9 at night and u weren't THAT tired but kinda. U climbed in on top of Dave and laid ur head on his stomachs and he played with ur hair.

U giggled and looked at him and frowned. He still had his glasses on. U reached up and took them off and set them on the table. U smiled and he smiled back and u leaned up so ur guys faces were like an inches away. U leaned in and kissed both his eye lids. "Ur eyes are beautiful" he smiled an pulled ur head closer to to his and kissed u. "I love u" he says with a small blush on his face. "I love U too" U smiled and laid back down and watched TV and fell asleep.

This one wasn't really long because I couldn't really think of anything but 1703 words ain't to bad I mean I've done better but eh. I'll update soon if I can think of something. Anyway. Luv u.


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