Chapter 21

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It's is October 23, 2018 and you are going to Foothill high school still. You are a different person from 2016. Not much but a little. You are a little bit skinner and 2 intches taller. You dance and are single, you haven't been single this whole time you are Dave broke up, you actually have had 5 boyfriends or 4 if you don't count what happened with Karkat. You guys did have sex but it was in the moment and agreed to never talk about it again. He is still your moral and you love him as a friend. Anyway you haven't spoken to dave nor seen him. He moved to a different school a month after what happened between you guys. You always wonder what you guys could've been. Speaking of Dave. You are probably wondering what happened after that.

~flash back~

Terezi was leaning on a wall and Dave was in front of her. She looked at you and smirked causing you to raise a brow. She leaned up and raped her arms around his neck leaning in closer to his lips. You stopped walking and she kissed him and you felt a tear go down your face. He didn't pull away or anything. You accidentally made a noise causing Dave to turn to you and his eyes widened and he ran to you but you punched him in the face running out of the house grabbing your skateboard and riding it home. Hearing multiple screams of your name and ignoring them reaching your house and running up the stairs to your room landing face first in the pillows.
You cry into your pillow as you hear voices coming in from the streets. You cry louder, you are an ugly cryer. You sit up and go to your desk and grab a sharpener. You put it on your desk and grab your metal water bottle smashing the sharpener. Grabing the razor and you were about to cut open the flesh but stop yourself. You having self harmed for 2 and a half years. And you didn't feel like doing it over a stupid silly boy. You open a drawer to your desk and swip the broken pieces in the desk. Walking back over to your bed you sit down staring out your window calming down wiping a tear. You hear your front door burst open but you ignore it spacing out. Hearing the footsteps run up the stairs along with curse words, you could tell it was your moral. He bust open the door and runs to you hugging you. As you thought you were done crying you thought wrong. You cried into Karkats shoulder as he cursed into yours. "I'm so sorry (y/n).  I beat his ass good Its ok" you smile a bit through tears. "Thank you Karkat" you sit up and kiss his cheek you continue to hug him as you fall asleep into him.

~End of Flashback~

It was a rough night for you. You felt like eveything Dave said over the months was lies. Every night you cried yourself to sleep. Karkat stayed over every Friday to make sure you were alright. You always said yes. But your weren't. You were dying completely inside. But he didn't know. And he didn't have to. You always wonder what if you killed yourself. No one would care. But Karkat didnt understand you... No one did...

Sorry this was short. I just wanna out what happened and everything. But I'll probably post the next chapter in a few days. 590 words 😞


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