Chapter 15

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U woke up in a bed alone on a Saturday. U yawn and get up popping ur back. U walk down the stairs because u don't feel like getting dressed.

When u reach the last step u see Dave in the kitchen the his hands on his face. U raise a brow and walk over to him and sit in front of him. U guess he doesn't know ur there because he didn't move. U sigh softy and grab his arms and pull them down so u can see his face.

He didn't have his glasses on and looked kinda sad. U where really concerned. "Dave what's wrong" u said tilting ur head to one side.

"Nothing I'll tell u later" he said getting up and walking to the fridge to start breakfast. He got out the cinnamon rolls and u sighed and got up. U took the roll thing from him and set it down "its ok I'll make it, it seems like u have a lot of stress on ur shoulders, go get dressed" he smiled and u kissed him on the forehead.

Once he was out of sight u broke open the roll and got a pan and put them on it. U set the oven to 400° and put them in for 15 minutes. U sat on the counter and thought why he would be sad. Is he breaking up with u? Maybe Dirk can't pay for ur rent anymore and needs u to move out? Where would u go? All these thoughts came into mind and ur eyes started to water.

Dave walked in and u wipe ur eyes and smile. He smiles softly back and comes over to u. He sighs and puts his hands on ur knees. "(y/n) don't stress about it it's not that big of a deal I'll explain everything after breakfast... I just don't feel like talking about it right this second." he says staring at u through his shades.

U move his shades up to the top of his head and kiss him. He kisses back pushing u against the wall behind u. U giggle and he puts his hands around ur waist. He lets go and smiles with his forehead on ur's.

The buzzer rang on the oven. Dave sighed and let go of u. He walked over the the oven and took out the pan with the buns in them.

He set the pan on the counter and u grabbed two plates. U set them down and Dave put 2 cinnamon rolls on each plate u spread the icing on both of ur plates and sat down at the table.

U finished everything besides a few bites. U look at Daves plate and see he only took like 3 bites and him picking at his food. U sigh and grab his hand which was on the table. "Dave can u tell me what's wrong or I'm going to keep worrying about u" u said as he stared at his plate with his shades on.

U grab both ur plates and set them on the counter. U walk over to Dave and grab his hand. U take him to the couch and set him down. U Sat on his lap facing him.

U raised a brow and he sighed. "Well Bro called me earlier before u got up and told me that I have a record deal and they want me to play at clubs" u frown ur brows "and this is bad news?" u said with a smile.

He sighed "no it's I'll be going to different states for a month or two playing at different clubs. And I asked bro if u could come and he said no he isn't even aloud to come. They are giving me a ride in a jet all over the state." ur smile turned into a frown fast. Dave gone for 2 months going to clubs. By himself. That makes u really nervous.

U felt a tear come down ur face and u look down at Dave's shirt watching the tear drop in his shirt. Dave hugged u and wrapped his arms around ur waist. U wrapped ur arms around his neck and cried.

"When are u leaving" u sniffed and he rubbed ur back "at 5 tonight" u shoot up "ur leaving today?!" he shook his head and u watched one tear slip out his glasses. U sighed and wiped his tear and smiled in between tears

He hugged u again and muffled in ur shoulder "I'm going to miss u, and what if I face time u ever time I'm free and every time I get to a different club. I'll say a shoot out to u" u laughed in between cry's and hugged him tighter. "And when I get back we will have some fun" u blushed and looked at him slipping his glasses off staring into his red puffy eyes. U swallow the lump in ur throat and kisses his softly and got up. "I've got to get ready it's already 11" u say heading up the stairs to help Dave get ready and get dress.

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