Chapter 1: We Burn Down The City Of Flames

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**** Chapter 1****

Food is good. Unfortunately, fried raven is not good. Give me fried chicken anytime. But not raven. Sadly, that was my menu for tonight, which would end up being the day my life changed forever. Saddened by the raven dinner, I began to have other depressing thoughts. Mostly about my past.

My past sucks. Really. So just hear me out about it. I live on the outskirts of the City of Flames. Ever since my dad was executed and my mom killed herself, I had been alone. Of course that was fine with me because they had both been driven insane after my older brother had joined the rebellion and got himself killed. I guess life was just easier now.

Our great island is called Silvan. It was discovered by the world 100 years ago. Apparently it was done so by an evil empire who grasped it and destroyed its original leaders. They "united" it with the rest of the world. After that "peace and justice" as in killing anyone who opposed, destroying cities, and burning stuff left and right, now flourishes.

I yawned, ready to fall asleep when the knock came. I had no clue who it was, but it would be a crazy old man. And this crazy old man would turn out to be brilliant. Of course I didn't know that. All I knew was that someone was there.

I slowly opened the door, and there was the crazy old man. He stood there, leaning on a staff and smoking a pipe. I would have closed the door on his face if it wasn't for what happened next.

"Ahhh. Young Windex. What a pleasure to meet you."

I took a step backwards and got a good look at his face under the matted gray hair. And guess what. He had no eyes. I decided to scream at the top of my lungs.

"Shut up! Something, or someone, may hear you. Now, may I come in, Windex?"

I was about to scream again when he threw his hand over my mouth and pushed me inside. He then shut the door behind him. Something in his long, knotted white hair moved. A creature poked its face out.

I was going to scream when it shouted, "Shut up!"


"My friend says to shut up."

"I heard."

"Indeed," the creature agreed.

Could this day get any weirder?

"Listen," said the creature, "I understand that you are scared-"

"And confused."

"And confused, but just listen. You need to settle down."

"What are you? Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

"One question at a time, young one," the creature said. "I am a moon ferret. And no, I'm not from the moon."

"Wow, you took the question right off my mind."

"My name is Feather. This is Hawken."


"And we are here to talk to you about something very important. Tell him, Hawken."

Hawken nodded. "You see, Windex, I'm sure you know about the empire of darkness."


"Well, we have a way to stop them."

I burst into laughter. "And how would that be? To ask them?"

Hawken glared at me. "No. With the Key of Light."

I burst into even more laughter.

"It's not funny!" Feather screamed.

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