Chapter 3: A Dragon in a Fountain

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****Chapter 3****

For your sake I will tell you the story of the dragons without all the complaints of Holly and me.

Before the empire of darkness came many dragons wandered freely across the land. They were all good dragons and were extremely beautiful. They were great creatures that helped those who could not help themselves. It was a great age.

But then the empire of darkness came. They destroyed the cities, burned the landscape, and killed the dragons.

Once the light left the island, the dragons became afraid. Now alone, they did the only thing left in their power. They joined the darkness. And so evil dragons were made.

But two refused to join. They fought the evil dragons until Flower came. Flower could not kill the two (it's some complicated magic problem) so instead cursed them and all their descendants. All good dragons could no longer breathe fire, only ice. And then he did something even worse. He took away their wings.

Now anybody can tell if a dragon is good or evil. And soon the good dragons disappeared in time, and with them and hope left of Silvan being saved.


All but one.

Just outside of Dragon City, an egg cracked. Inside a young creature worked very hard to get out. He was not about to give up, though. No. He worked hard, and at last it payed off. He broke free and fell asleep.

When he awoke, he discovered that he was in a cave. He would have jumped out and fallen to his death, had something else in the cave not grabbed his attention.

It was a small pool of water full of fish. Had he been any older he would have questioned it, but since he wasn't he just went along with it. He jumped in the pool and then out after devouring several fish. He sniffed the air and hopped to where a staircase of rocks lead down to the ground.

A flock of golden birds began to hover over him and chirped. He looked up at them and laughed. They circled around him, singing.

He skipped down the stairway, but tripped, tumbling down the rest of the way. He jumped to his feet at the bottom, and continued to a path of overgrown weeds. He didn't care as the thorned branches slapped him in the face. Above him even more birds gathered, singing.

They sang a song of hope and peace. It was soothing for the baby dragon below them. However, they sang because the last good dragon walked below them. A sign that all may be fixed.

At last the path ended at a city. But he had no clue that once people saw him they would want him dead. Instead he had only on thought. Food.

The birds, seeing what he was going to do grew worried. They tried to stop him. Unfortunately he was as stubborn as a child. So he entered the city. Which would be the most idiotic thing he would ever do.

The first human word he ever heard was this:

"... pledge."

He cocked his head at the sound and then repeated it. "Pledge."

He leapt to his feet and decided that that would be his name. He continued to listen to the conversation.

"I agree. That sounds rather phony," said human.

"He shouldn't lie like that," agreed human 2.

"Well, I for one think the whole thing was phony," said human 3.

Pledge, still rather excited decided to see the humans speaking. The birds, which were being rather annoying by now, screeched and flew away.

Pledge exited from his hiding place and said a word the knew was English. "Hello."

The humans took one look at him, screamed, and ran away. He laughed and ran after.


A large, green, evil dragon flew overhead. He was fifty years old and had actually killed one good dragon in that time. He didn't have anything to do anymore, so he just flew, watching those below.

Today, something caught his attention. Three humans were running for their lives away from something small and full of energy. He didn't care at first, but then looked back and smiled.

It was a baby dragon.

He liked baby dragons because they were so innocent. He landed on a building to look at the small creature. This one didn't seem to be being slowed down by the useless wings at his side. Then he saw why. This dragon didn't have wings. Which meant it was a good dragon. And so it must die.

So he swooped down at the baby good dragon.


Pledge lost the humans. Disappointed, he stopped and looked around. All of a sudden a roar broke the silence and a large, green creature swooped down at him.

He screamed. As the thing came closer, he saw it was a dragon. Pledge became completely terrified.

All of a sudden a flock of golden birds descended from the sky and surrounded the dragon. Realizing that the birds were protecting him, Pledge ran back to the cave as fast as his feet could take him.

----Edit---  July 12, 2016

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