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"Did you hear?" Trial asked.

"Yeah," Puffball whispered. "Everyone's talking about it. How things changed on Tianifca."

They both locked eyes.

"Do you think that he know?"

"Of course he does."

"Did Flower die?"

"No... he became... good."

"This is bad. That means that he knows about the-"

The door opened. They looked at each other and gulped before entering.

A figure dressed in black cloak sat on the hard black floor inside.

They fell to their knees. " Lord, did you hear?"

"Of course, Puffball. So Flower has become good..." He smiled. "Flower may know, but it doesn't matter. He can't stop the avalanche coming."

"You're right."

"Yeah! Nobody can stop you!"

"Hmm... It may seem so, but there is someone."


"Yes, but he is young and inexperienced. I can take him down no problem."

"Where is he?"

"A far away planet called Earth. This kid will soon be destroyed, so there is nothing to fear."

"What shall I send after him?"

"The two headed wolf."

"That? Is he that strong?"

"I'm not sure. But we must be careful if not to be suspected by the Light. Take care, Puffball, I'm trusting you."

"Yes, Lord Fable."



First off, I'd like to thank all of you who read this story all the way through and enjoyed it, voted on it, commented on it, and loved me so much that they decided to be my follower. Thanks so so so soooo much.

I'm sorry about the cheesy ending, all of you who were disappointed that I didn't kill flower. Unfortunately he and Feather are going to be very important very soon.

I'm sorry all of you who read the last chapter and were like 'Holly, you are by far the most useless character in this story and Red should just edit you out.' No. Sorry. She's staying. I promise, in the sequel, (YES THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL) she's going to be like, super important and super powerful.

To all of you who wonder why I have such a weird name (really, Windex?!) I'd like to blame in on my laziness in coming up with names for main characters so I asked my two best friends ever @Jumbosqwale and another anonymous soul to help me. Boom. I was named after a cleaning supply.

To all of you who wondered why the Key of Light is the most useless ancient magical artifact ever, sorry, its just wasn't that important yet. Though I promise it'll have other secrets further on...

To those of you who wondered why Zingly just left, I'm sorry, he's going to be back, he still has a major job to do in advising people spiritually.

To those of you who wondered about the epilogue... well you'll have to wait to find out.

So here you go. Here is the completed version of the Keepers of Light 1: the Key of Light. It took me nearly half a year to originally write and several months to type. Please read the SEQUEL when ever I start typing that. It'll be called something like The Keepers of Light 2: A New ERA.

Please, if you really, really, really, enjoyed this story, please recommend it to other people. Also read my other stories, NINE LIVES and DEFEATING NOFTERA.



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