Chapter 17: We Finish Things A Little Differently Then Expected

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***Chapter 17: We Finish Things A Little Differently Than Expected***

"Wake up, I'm done," Feather said, punching me.

"Oh, that's good," I mumbled, waking up.

"So what happened after you became his friend?" Holly asked.

"We went and tried to find the Key of Light. But in the end, he passed the job on to his younger brother."

"You mean there's someone else out there looking for the Key of Light?" I asked groggily.

"No you idiot, I talking about you."

"You mean I met a Silvanian?"

"He was your brother! Remember?"

"Oh... I forgot."

"Someone wake him up more."

"Oh, I can do that," said Holly smiling evilly. She then elbowed me into the wall of the alleyway. I stumbled and fell.

"Ow!" I cried, "What did you do that for?!"

"For being an idiot," she growled.

"What happened to being nice to each other?"

"Oh, I gave up on that looong ago."

"So yeah. That's the short summery of my life."

"Great, now I wish I hadn't fallen asleep after the first five minutes of it."

"Shut up, Windex. Now we have a job to do."

I nodded, all of a sudden serious. "So then, Gilly, If there's no one out on the streets, we won't have any problems, right?"

"It should be so... Of course I haven't left this alleyway in about a year..."

"How old are you?" asked Pledge who had been thinking for quite awhile.



"Ugh, let's get going. At this rate we'll be here monologuing for the entire chapter."

We nodded and started to walk away.

"So long, Gilly, I promise that this time I'll come back," Feather said.

"Hurry up, don't you want to go kill your brother already?"

"Come on!" Holly called from down the street where she stood next to the impatient Pledge.

I ran towards them and Feather followed.

Gilly looked back at us and sighed. "They're sooo doomed."


We stopped at the entrance of the tower. I looked up and sighed. "Do you think that he knows that we're coming?" I asked.

"Of course. There's no one else on the streets and we're practically dancing up here like some sort of ugly parade."

I raised an eyebrow at his analogy, but further wise didn't care.

"So we're walking into a trap," Pledge said.



"How do we get in?" Holly asked.

"We use the front door. I mean, if he does know that we're coming then there's really no point in doing anything fancy."

So we went in. We then used the conveniently placed elevator that Flower had apparently invented himself to get up. On our way we listened to that funny music and went over our battle plan.

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