Chapter 13: The Abandoned City of Light and the Ruins of Free Country

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***Chapter 13***

When the light disappeared, we realized that we had been teleported.

"Well that's new," I said.

"Last thing that I would have expected," Zingly agreed.

"Where are we anyways," Holly asked.

"If I am correct," Feather said, "Then we're in the Abandoned City of Light."

"Hmmm," said Zingly. "The original capital of Silvan. This place used to be one of biggest, greatest, and most legendary cities in the whole world. It took the Silvanians nearly 500 years to build."

"Yep. And it took Feather nearly an hour to destroy it completely." said Feather.

I looked around and felt a pang of sadness as I stared at the rubble of what had once been the greatest city in the world, maybe even the universe.

"But why did the Key of Light teleport us here?" Pledge asked.

"I don't know, but it has to be for a good reason. There has to be something here of importance..."

Zingly faded in and out again.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, foal, don't worry."

"All the same, what is it? What could possibly be left in this ancient city that is of any importance? How are we supposed to stop Flower with a destroyed city?"

"Obviously it has to be something INSIDE the city," Holly said.

"But what? What do you think, Pledge?" I asked, turning.

But he wasn't there.

"Where did Pledge go?!"


Pledge was following a strange scent that he had picked up on. It was amazing and almost a beautiful smell. The smell seemed to call out to him, to be leading him.

And it lead him to a skeleton that terrified him so much that he screamed.

It was a skeleton of a dragon.

Fear rushed through him, and he stepped back. He looked at it and saw that it's wings had been torn off, the bone that would have held them, broken.

He searched for the poor dragons wings. He found them buried under a little rubble, and, unbelievably, were completely unscratched or otherwise broken, and covered in white feathers.

Surprised, he walked towards them. He was about 10 feet away when they suddenly flapped.

Pledge screamed like a little girl.


"What was that?!" asked Holly.

"It's Pledge!" I cried.

"What has that foolish Mule gotten himself into this time?"

We found Pledge at the skeleton of a dragon. He was staring terrified at a bundle of white nearby.

"What's the matter?" Holly asked.

"They flapped. The dead dragon's wings FLAPPED!" Pledge cried, terrified.

"Dead dragon's wings..." Feather whispered.


"This must be a dragon who died trying to save the City of Light. They say that Flower, when he fought the dragons, he always broke their wings."

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