Chapter 6: Anyone Else Totally Completely Absolutely Confused (part 1)

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****Chapter 6 Part 1****

Feather lay in my arms as we ran. He had fallen unconscious and for once none of us spoke. I guess there's a first for everything. The silence was strange since we were basically always arguing over something.

It was scary since somehow we always thought he somehow protected us despite the fact that he was basically a big as a cat. He also did not look whatsoever intimidating and even less so in his other form. But...

I sighed. "So what do we do?"

"What we started this mission for. To complete the impossible and save this world with some ancient magical key which is supposed to do something and somehow save everything."

"I see. And how many normal and sane people in Dragon City will help us... Or at least Feather?"

"Probably none."

I sighed again. "And just how easy will it be to find this dragon?"

"Most likely very."

"Which is bad."


"So we probably aren't going to make it through this."


"Normal and typical."

We stopped walking. "Do you see that?" Holly asked.

I looked and saw a giant tower shooting upward into the sky. "The look out tower," I mumbled.


"So, how are we supposed to get around that?"

"I know!"

"What?" I asked. "What is your wonderful plan to get us killed?"


"I could have come up with a better plan than you! This plan really will get us killed!"

"Hey, we didn't have time to come up with a plan that is actually good or something."

"But this is THE WORST PLAN EVER!"

"Shut up and be supportive."

"I'll be supportive... By killing you with my bare hands!"

She gave me her look that said she was dead serious. And I guess I know why. Feather needed help, and quick. So we found the road and began walking on it.



The two guards at the lookout tower were called Jim and Joe. They were given this job because they couldn't do anything and nothing ever happened at the east entrance.

They looked down and saw two figures walking toward the entrance. The two had their faces covered with hoods making it impossible for Jim and Joe to see their faces.

"Well," said Jim, "they don't seem suspicious."

"Hmmmm... But why the hoods? If they have nothing to hide, then why the hoods?"

They were trying to get a closer look at the strangers' faces when a strong gust of wind from an oncoming storm blew at the two travelers. They tried to keep their hoods on, but the wind was way too strong. The hoods blew off, revealing two kids.

"Kids? They're kids?" Joe asked.

"Now that's suspicious," agreed Jim.

The two looked at the wall of wanted posters for either of their faces.

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