Chapter 16: Feather's Life Story

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"I think that it's time for a flash back."

"Oh come on! Those are as boring as history lessons!"

"Shut up and listen to my story..."

***Chapter 16***

Feather," said Flower, "How long until I can transform like you?"

Feather laughed at his younger brother. "All in good time."

The two of them sat outside of their den where their parents were taking care of their newborn sister, Flicker.

Flower is an entire five years younger than Flower, believe it or not.

The two then set off to their apple tree nearby. They looked up from its base and then climbed it. once at the top, they stared out at the sun setting over the vast field. (note: this is taking place elsewhere on Tianifca)

"Hey, the clouds are starting to gather," Flower said.

"Yeah... it must be getting ready to rain," Feather agreed. "Let's go home, bro."

The two smiled and headed back home.

However, as they approached, Feather got a tingly feeling. A shiver crawled down his spine. "Do you feel that?" he asked.

"Yeah... the cold..."

"Something's wrong!"

They ran to their house, only to find it on fire.

"NO!!!" Flower screamed.

"Mom... dad... Flicker..." Feather stuttered.

Then the den collapsed, leaving absolutely nothing. "Who would do something like this?" Flower whispered.

The two stood there, horrified, as it began to rain. "What do we do?" Flower asked, clearly scared.

"I... I don't know." he said, and the two began to cry.

They huddled together and Flower asked, " Who would do such a thing?"

Feather looked at the sky. "I really don't know," he said.

That was only the beginning of their troubles.


They slept there that night, and had nowhere to go when morning came.

All of a sudden, a human on a beautiful white stallion came riding down the path. He saw Feather and Flower sitting there and asked "What is wrong?"

"Our home was destroyed and our family killed," Flower whimpered.

"Which of you is oldest?" he randomly asked.

"Feath-" Flower began.

"He is," Feather said. "I am Feather, and he is Flower."

"Then come with me, young friends, and I shall make you great."

As it turned out, the man was the king of that entire side of the world. And, he began to teach everything he knew to Flower who he thought was the oldest of them.

One day, the two sat on a balcony on the great castle in which they lived.

"Why is it that I still can't transform?" Flower whined.

"All things come in good time."

"But I'm as old as you were when our family was destroyed."

"Flower, do you ever wonder who killed our parents and Flicker?"

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