Chapter 7: The Two Dragons

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****Chapter 7****

(Warning: the fourth wall is broken in this chapter. For your safety, please read with caution.)

This time we decided to walk around the town in broad daylight while it wasn't pouring down rain continuously. "This is much better," I said.

"Indeed, let's just hope that we can find that dragon before anything else happens." Feather said.

"Well, what's the chances that it'll be in town?" Holly asked.

"How are we supposed to know-" I didn't get to finish, because at that moment a loud crashing sound rang through the town.

We turned and saw smoke beginning to billow up. A roar penetrated the silence that followed, and then flapping wings. We then got a look at what was causing the noise. It was a large, green, evil dragon. It was looking down at something, and then spat a fireball at it.

"Come on!" I shouted

"Are you crazy?" Holly asked.

"No! Windex has a point. The only thing I can think of that an evil dragon would be randomly attacking is a good dragon!"

So we ran to see what was happening. We are so smart.


Sure enough, there was the poor baby good dragon. It was surrounded by a wall of fire, and looked beyond terrified.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"I know!" Feather said, "you distract the big dragon, and we'll get the baby."

"Wait, I don't want to be a distraction!"

"Well too bad," Holly said.

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all."



The dragon looked at me. "You pathetic humans, one day you shall all burn!"

"WHAT IS YOUR NAME, YO?" I shouted, much louder than was needed.

"MY NAME IS PENTICALALA," the evil dragon screamed back.

"Yo, that is the saddest excuse for a name that I have ever heard. And I thought MY name was bad, yo."

"And what is your name?" Penticalala asked.


"Isn't that the name of a cleaning supply?"

"Shut up! This isn't Earth, so it doesn't matter!"

"Stop talking now, you're going to break the fourth wall!"

"Oh well, I break everything that I touch, either that or I clean it.... yo."

"And there goes the fourth wall. But, why are you annoying me? Can't you see that I'm busy killing the last good dragon in existence?"

"And that was exactly why I was distracting you."

"Wait, what?"

"So, can we go now, Feather?" I asked.

"Do we have to leave? This conversation was getting interesting."

"Be quiet and run."

"WHAT?! I still haven't destroyed you!"

"Sorry, but we already have that space filled out by Flower. You can destroy us after him."

"Wait a second, you're those wanted people!"

"Ok, let's run now," Feather said.

So we ran away with the baby dragon, whose name was Pledge.

Sorry, but the next story may be delayed due to the need of fixing the fourth wall.

---Edit July 12, 2016----

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