Chapter 9: Welcome to the Other World

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****Chapter 9****

As we were falling to our deaths, Feather decided to give us a history lesson.

"So... Mind explaining what's going on..."

"I think that we fell into a Pit of Doom."

"Thanks Captain Obvious," Holly said.

"Where did you come from?!" I asked.

"I was outside to see if anyone was following us. By the way, this is very impressive. I know that you're good at breaking stuff, but a volcano? You are GOOD!"

"It was Penticalala's fault."

"Unfortunately," Feather said, "Penticalala is dead."

"So, what are these 'Pits of Doom'?"

"They were originally closed by the Key of Light. So when the evil dragon got a hold of it..."

"The pits opened."


"And the volcano was on top of an old one." Pledge guessed.


"And where do the Pits of Doom lead?" I asked.

"To the Other World," Feather said.

"ok- wait, WHAT?!"

"We're going to the OTHER WORLD?!" Pledge asked.

"Can this trip possibly get any worse?!"

"Hard to say."

And then we hit the ground.

The impact should have ended it right there, but it didn't. The place was the exact opposite of normal. The ground was charred and hot, and seem to be sticky and soft. The entire atmosphere seemed to be hot, the wind itself was steam.

It smelled a lot like dead things as well. And burnt stuff. I looked up to where we had fallen from. The Pit Of Doom actually looked kind of cool, but I didn't like this place. It felt... Despite the heat a chill traveled down my spine.

There was a pang in my head and I fell to my knees.

"Stand up, we've got to find a way out of here," Holly told me.

I nodded and stood despite a headache beginning to grow. We walked across the musty, burned ground and found a river.

"A river? Should we drink the water?" Holly asked. Pledge looked at Feather hopefully.

"NO!!" cried Feather. "Nothing in this place is good. Do you not see those black swirls in the water? That is poison! A very dangerous poison! Do NOT drink or eat anything that you see here!"

I moaned. Feather looked at me. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. Perfectly."

"Hmmmm... If you say so."

So we continued our walk. To somewhere. I think.


It was an hour or so later that we met our first living thing. And of course it wanted to destroy us.

It was sort of like a giant fish, but instead of fins it had actual paws that it could walk with. If had any need for water, it did not show it. The fins it did have however seemed to be made of fire, and it did not look like one of the nicest things in the world.

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