Chapter 12: The Deathe Mountains and What We Find There

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****Chapter 12****

Zingly can run fast. Pledge can run fast. If this was a race, it would be a tie. Neither ran faster nor slower than the other.

"So, mule, can you keep up?"

"I'm fine," Pledge said, "I could do this all day."

"Hey, do you hear that?" Holly asked me.

I turned around to see what she was talking about. "Is that our attacker?" I asked.

Feather, who was now awake, said, "Indeed, I should have known that Flower would send a Bifnian after us."

"A Bifnian?" Holly asked.

"Yes, an inhabitant of the world Bifni. The best bounty hunters around. That we just escaped is remarkable."

We looked at Feather, and gulped. It sounds like we might be in some trouble...

As we were running, Zingly tripped on a root coming out of the ground. He stumbled, but did not fall.

"Careful," I said.

"I'm being so, young foal."

"Well be more careful!"

"It's not my fault these mountains are so messed up!" Zingly snuffed and started to run again. There was a loud 'zing' as an arrow flew at Zingly and the Fire of Hope destroyed it.

"What was that?" Holly asked.

"Well, well, well. Of it isn't my fellow skeletons," Zingly said.

We looked, and sure enough there were five skeletons, four with swords and one holding a bow and arrows.

"Great, now the dead want to kill us too," I mumbled.

The archer shot another arrow at us, but once more Zingly's fire protected him. He snorted, and then a started a fire.

"A fire?!" Pledge asked. "Are you trying to burn down the forest?!"

"No, I'm trying to burn them, young mule."

"Uhhh... That makes no sense whatsoever."

"The fire only has effect on living (or in this case dead) creatures. However, the landscape remains unharmed." Zingly then turned around and started running again.

"So then, where is the Key of Light?" Feather asked.

"I was about to ask the same thing," Zingly stated.

"Great, that means that it could be anywhere in this entire mountain range-" Holly began.

"-Or it could be in that funny glowing light over there on top of that tree," I said.

"Or it could be there," Feather said.

So, Zingly headed for the tree.


"Do you hear that?" Feather asked.

"Yes," Zingly replied.

"Hear what?" Asked Pledge.

"We're being followed. Whoever is following is doing so in perfect unison with is."

"So, it's..." said Pledge.

"Yep. We're being followed by skeleton horses."

When Zingly said this, Pledge turned and caused the lead horse to crash into him and shatter to pieces.

"Stubborn mule," Zingly mumbled. He snorted and joined the fray.

Pledge alone could not stand against the four skeleton horses attacking us. Sure, he destroyed one, but the four remaining weren't going down as easily.

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