Chapter 14: Light Sword Forge

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***Chapter 14***

"You mean that this place is..." Pledge whispered.

"Yep. It was originally called dragon island. For a long time the dragons lived here and all over Silvan. When Flower came, they tried to hide here. But it was discovered and destroyed.

"Later, those creating a rebellion made this their base and renamed it Free Country. However, then Flower realized that they were here and decided to destroy it again. Another interesting fact is that we never figured out why the dragons liked it so much.

"When Flower and I came here, yes I was on his side back then, he told me that he felt a great amount of good magic. Because of that, he hated his place and never bothered with it."

"So then this place must have some sort of hidden secret that we have to unlock," I stated.

"And that secret will somehow help is defeat Flower," agreed Feather.

"And it is somewhere on this island?" Holly asked.


"So," said Zingly, "This should be very easy."

"How so?" inquired Pledge.

Zingly would have rolled his eyes if he had any. "Magic, mule, is very easy for the Fire of Hope to follow. The Fire of Hope is magical, remember? Right now I can tell that Feather is right, this island is coated in a powerful magic. And it's all coming from that center."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Let's go!"

We arrived at the center of the island and found something super awesome. A giant rock, which reached up towards the sky.

"IT'S A GIANT ROCK!" I cried.

"Really? We couldn't tell," Holly growled. "What are we supposed to do with it?"

"Let's open it!"

"I see, and just how are we supposed to do that?"

"Maybe if we ask nicely?"

"Oh sure! 'Cause rocks just magically open when you say, 'Please open, rock'!"

As soon as she said this, the rock split in half and slid into the ground. It revealed a staircase leading downwards.

"What do you know. You did it, Holly!"

Holly grimaced and then decided that it was a conspiracy. We all laughed and started down the stairs.

The stairs were dark and dank, and smelled old and almost completely undisturbed. At first it was almost impossible to tell that anything was even down there.

But I saw it. As we drew closer to the exit, the magic became so strong and overpowering that it was visible to the human eye.

"Something tells me that this is the right place," Holly whispered.

"Really? Was it the streams of magic, or the strange humming noise?"



"What do you mean that they disappeared from Silvan?!"

"There's no trace of them whatsoever, sir."

"Hmm... So they left again. The last place my spies saw them was the City of Light, or what is left of it, anyways."

"Wait, you have spies?"

"Nah. Just a bunch of losers watching over the destroyed city for my paranoia."

"Then, where could they have gone?"

"They couldn't have gone to the Other World, so probably, maybe... Free Country."

"That place that you destroyed... Twice?"

"Yeah. But if they are there, then good for them. They'll be back in no time to challenge me. I'll just wait for them.


"What is this?" Pledge asked.

"It's... It's... No way! It has to be Light Sword Forge!" Feather gasped


"Who would have thought that the Key of Light would lead here!"

"What is this place?"

"Flower has been searching for this place for ages! From it, some of the best swords in history have been made! No one's seen it in hundreds of years! It belonged to the Silvanians who protected it with their lives."

"Then we have to make a sword. But who..."

Everyone looked at me.

"Woah, woah, woah. Why me?"

"You are one of the last Silvanians."


I looked at the beautiful sword which I now held in my hands. It was completely flawless, a work of art. The blade appeared to glow, and the grip was comfortable. The weight was even just right for me to hold.

"It's amazing," Feather whispered.

"That is a sword that a dragon should hord," said Pledge.

"What are you going to name it, Foal?"

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it."

"Whatever it is, it should have blade in it's name," Holly said.

"And light." said Pledge.

"There goes Blade of Death," I mumbled.

"Don't worry, you'll come up with something." said Feather.

After a while I got it. "I know! It sounds totally cool, and it has blade and light in its name!"


"Lightray Blade!"

"Lightray Blade? Leave it to you to come up with a confusing name for a sword."

"Anyhow, now what? We've got what the Key of Light wanted us to get, so what now?"

"Now," said Feather, "We finish it. We go after Flower."

"And how do we get there?" Pledge asked.

"The same way we got here. With the Key of Light."

"I guess we have to use some magical key to somehow get us out of here," Holly mumbled.


I pulled out the Key of Light which I had been keeping in the pocket of my pockets. I looked at it, thinking about what to do. I smiled and then said, "Hey... Key of Light, can you please take us back to Silvan?"

"Do you really think that asking it will-"

The world around us began to fade.

Yay! Only three more chapters plus the epilogue! We're getting towards he end here...

Edit: 9-20-16

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