Chapter 5: Attack of the Things and the Save of the Other Thingy

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****Chapter 5****

I was about to give another complaint about having to walk in the blazing sun when Feather finished his boring history lesson.

"So then," said Holly, "We are looking for a good dragon."

"No, we're looking for a dragon who's every intent is of destroying the world," I said.

Feather laughed. "Of course we're looking for a good dragon, but the only problem is that they all disappeared a long, long, time ago."

"What about evil dragons? What are the chances of us running into one of those?" I asked.

"About 99%. I feel rather certain we'll run into one of those before this adventure is through."

"And Flower's evil minions?"

"Dragon City is right downstream from the City of Darkness."

"Wonderful. So our chances of death are high."



"Are we there yet?" I asked as we entered a forest.


"Are we there NOW?"


"How about now?"



"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Feather growled so loud that it bounced off of nothing.

"You," said Holly, "with your loud voices, anyone within a hundred miles can hear us!"


"Yeah Feather, with all these evil maniacs running around, at least 50 of them heard you just now."

"Come on," growled Feather. "The sooner we get to Dragon City, the better."

"Yeah, and the less people who want to kill us as well." I sighed and we continued.

"Do you think this dragon will be easy to find?"

"Probably. And it's probably also a baby, so it will be rather unpredictable."

"So then-"

I never got a chance to finish, because at that moment a loud howl filled our ears, and one, no two, large metal creatures leapt in front of us. We took several steps back and them several forward. The robotic creatures bared their oversized fangs at us.

"What in Silvan is THAT?!" I screamed like a little girl.

Feather growled. "That is one of Flower's robots. Two things he was always good at, ruling, destroying, and building."

"That's three things!" Holly screamed at him.

"Is this really the time for a math lesson??" I asked.

"Probably not."

"Then let's RUN!"

And off we ran as if there was no tomorrow. and technically there wouldn't be if the robo dinos killed us.


I had no clue where we were running to. I mean, we were basically stranded in the middle of a forest. Plus those things could run much faster than us. So, we had no chance of escape.

So we were doomed when one of them ran around us and cornered us between a tree and the other robot.

"Why does this always have to happen to us?" I moaned to Feather.

"Because we are good. And they're bad. So they want us dead."

"Logical," I mumbled.

The smaller one snapped its mouth and the larger one pawed at the ground. We needed to get out of this, fast.

Feather growled, and then his form changed. The moon ferret hadn't been kidding about being able to transform. He transformed into a larger creature, similar to that of a mouse with rabbit ears and legs and a large tail with a sort of feathery ball at the end.

If it wasn't for the seriousness of the matter, I would have burst into laughter.

"That's what you turn into?" Holly asked. "That's the least intimidating thing I have ever seen!"

"SHUT UP!" Feather said.

"What do you do? Spit rainbows?"

"SHUT UP!" Feather screamed. He then stepped in front of us and said, "if you want a fight, get me. Leave them out of this!"

The dinos enjoyed the idea of killing stuff. They raced at him and the smaller one grabbed his tail and the other hit him with its head like he was a punching bag.

"FEATHER!" I screamed.

The one holding him then grabbed his right leg in its mouth and chomped. Feather screamed like a 12 year old girl.


High above in the air, a bird heard the screams. He swooped down to see the poor Moon Ferret being beat up by the robots. It was the bird's duty to help.

So he launched himself downward with such a force that he tore through one of the robots, destroying it. The other one, the one holding Feather's tail, took a step backwards and dropped him. It then ran over him while trying to escape.

The bird chased after it and destroyed It as well. It then left.


Holly and I ran to Feather who had changed to his normal form. He looked horrible. Patches of fur were missing, along with areas where his skin was from off and- never mind. He couldn't even stand. Almost getting torn to pieces had really taken its toll on the guy.

"What was that thing? The bird?" Holly asked.

That," said Feather slowly and painfully, "Was the guardian bird of the travelers."

"What?" I asked. "You know what, never mind. You need help. And quick."

----Edit July 12, 2016-----

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