Chapter 6: Anyone Else Totally Completely Absolutely Confused (part 2)

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***Chapter 6 Part 2***

I awoke to find that I was not dead. Which is surprising counting all the times I've almost died already. I looked around to realize that I was in a room laying in a bed in warm, clean clothes. Strange being how the last thing I saw was a dragon.

Feather! That's the next thought that entered my mind. I jolted upward and moaned as pain entered by back. I felt as though I had been stabbed... Oh wait, I had been.

I looked around the room, but I was the only one there. I then slipped out of the bed and got to my feet and went of the door. I heard voices on the other side, so I opened it.

The voices stopped, and everyone in the room turned to look at me.

"Windex? What are you doing? They said you would be asleep for another week, at least."

"And how long has it been?"

"Five days."

"I see... (Wait, I was asleep for HOW long...) And how's Feather?"

The other people were staring at me, still surprised that I could even stand.

"Settle down," one said gently. "Here, have some tea."

I was going to say that I didn't want tea, but decided that that would be impolite. "Sure, why not," I mumbled, and took a sip.

Immediately I realized that I had been drugged with filni leaves which made the eater fall into a deep, deep, sleep.


The next time I woke up I didn't move. Still concerned about Feather, my thoughts slipped back to the dragon. It had been small, most likely only a baby, extreamly nice and happy, and, now that I thought about it... It had had no wings.

I shot upward, and realized that the pain in my back was gone. I walked to the door, and heard the people outside talking.

"I don't know how we can ever thank you."

"We're always ready to help those in need. You know... That boy...

"Windex?" asked Holly.

"Yes. Him. I do believe that he has the rare, but extremely useful ability to self heal."

"Yep," agreed the other, "without it, it could have taken him a few weeks to even get out of bed, or he could have even died."

"It's strange though..."

"What do you mean?" asked Holly.

"Nobody can self heal any more. The ability is gone. Only the pure Silvanians could do that. But their extinct, destroyed by Flower."

"So then how does Windex have the ability?"

"it's possible that they weren't all destroyed. Maybe he is the last pure blooded Silvanian."

"Then does this mean that he could have other strange abilities if he is?"

"No one knows."

"Then are the Silvanians not human?"

"Oh, they are, they just have strange abilities."

"Like self healing."

"Exactly. Do you know anything about his past?"

"No, I just met him and Feather. We spend most of our time arguing."

"Hmmm. Then it is possible that his parents were killed by Flower or went mad due to the darkness surrounding the land."

I sat back down on the bed. I mean... It really did make sense. Why we lived on the outskirts of the city, why my dad was executed and my mom went insane, why Peter joined the rebellion....

The door opened. "Yes?" I asked.

"Ohhh.. You're awake." said one of the people.

"Who are you people? What happened? What's going on? HOW'S FEATHER?"

"Don't worry. My name Is Lyla, this is my sister, Flinwa. We found you two and the moon ferret in the middle of the road and brought you here where we healed you. Feather awoke after only a few days. Don't worry. He's fine. You were in the worst condition. We were scared for you. Many times you almost died. We even figured you might get stuck in a coma.

"But strangely you possess the ability to self heal, which means that you might be the last pure blooded Silvanian."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that if Flower finds out he will raise your bounty so high it would attract every bounty hunter to you like bees to honey."

"Well that's reassuring." I said, standing.

"Where are you going?"

"To see Feather. There's something important I need to tell him."


"Well, well, well. It looks like it's true."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Your brother. He once told me that you family was the last pure blooded Silvanians. Of course I didn't believe him. They were supposed to be extinct. But.. I guess you are ."

"Whatever. Look. I saw dragon."

Feather perked up. "A good dragon?"

"Yes, it was a baby and had no wings. It's also thanks to it that were still alive."

"Ok. Do you want to keep resting?"

"No, I'm perfectly fine."

"Sure, getting stabbed in the back and sliced with a sword makes you FINE?"

"Shut up. This is important."

"You're right. Let's get Holly and get out of here."

And so we left.


"Lord Flower," said the servant.

Flower who had been deep in thought while savoring a delicious glazed donut looked up.

"What Is it now? Which city has been demolished, burned down, destroyed, blown up, abandoned, imploded, or captured now?"

"Uhhh... None."

"Okay. That's good."

"But two children entered Dragon city a week and a half ago."

"So one of them was that kid, Windex?"

"Yes. No sign of you brother."

"Somehow they must have escaped my robots. What happened?"

"The head of security, Bob, attacked them, but they got away, a street gang said they saw them and a ferret but were chased away by a dragon.

"Later a medic said she saw all of them and was helping them. She also talks us something rather interesting."


"Windex is a pure blooded Silvanian."

For awhile Flower didn't say anything.

"Interesting. This might make things more interesting."

"Will this cause the bounty to rise?"


The medic said she put poison in the boy... But it won't kill him and won't take affect for another week or so."

"Good. Very good."

---Edit July 12, 2016----

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