Happy 2016!!!!!

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It's 2016 now! It's as though just yesterday it was only 2015. Wow. I've been here less then a month, and I know basically none of you people. Tell me abou yourselves and I might say who I am. (it's ok, I won't stalk you) 

So if you have any suggestions, comments, or problems with me or who I am, either get a life or comment below. Follow me. Introduce yourself and your friends. Don't judge me, and I won't judge you. 

I will (probably) read any story you suggest to me since I'm new and know almost none of you. Read my story if you feel like it. Read my random shorts. Tell me any problems you see with my story (there are probably a lot...) 

For those of you who don't know me, I'm in seventh grade rigt now. I love all dragons whether their good or want to destroy the universe, and I LOVE Penticalala. Also tell me if you like Penticalala. If you don't shame be upon you. 

That's all I have left to say. Happy new year.  

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