Chapter 11: The Bounty Hunter

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****Chapter 11****

Manif kneeled before Lord Flower.

Manif was a very skilled bounty hunter from the world of Bifni. The Bifnians were ruthless hunters with deadly skills, cunning intelligence, elite tracking abilities, a quickness on their feet and a huge thirst for money and power. They made the perfect assassins, or in this case bounty hunters.

"Manif-" Flower began.

"Sir!" Lord Flower's servant cried, running in.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I'm very busy solving all my problems by crushing my enemies?"

"About your enemies..."

"What did they do?"

"Linofk, the volcano... Broke... I guess."

"What did they do?!"

"The volcano collapsed, and... A Pit of Doom opened."

"Hmmm... I get it. They must have actually found the Key of Light. Amazing. But it must have accidentally opened the Pits of Doom. Are they all open?"


"Which one could they have exited?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Hmmm... That might cause a problem in my plan. Manif, can you go search for them? I'll send you a letter when I get a lead. Ok?"


"Good. Then Go. And remember, bring them back alive."


Zingly was fading.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, worried.

"Nothing. I just shouldn't be out of the Other World. When I'm out, I tend to... Well... Fade."

"Oh. So this is normal?"

"Perfectly, young foal."

"Where are we?" Holly asked no one in particular.

"We are somewhere near Waterfall Valley," Zingly answered.

"Why?" Holly asked.

"Can we steal food?" I asked, happily.

"I would not advise the theft of food."

"Oh come on. These people are evil. It's not like it matters."

"No, they aren't. They are just under the rule of an evil dictator."

"But we can still steal their food, right?"

"I feel that this is going to be a loooong spiritual advisory."

"It will be. And that is a promise. But, anyway, how will we get food then?"

"We use money," Zingly said as though his was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And where do we get- oh! We can turn Holly in for her bounty and use the money to pay for food!"

Holly growled a punched me.

"Owww! What was that for?"

"What do you think?"

"Don't waste your time on him, cow. He's and idiot."

"Hey! I'm right here, you know!"

Feather and Pledge came from the opposite side of the pit of doom.

"So... Feather... I'm not an idiot am-"

"Yes, you are."

I sighed. "If we're not going to use Holly's bounty money, then what will you use to get food?"

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