Chapter 2

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I purposely chose the third shift tonight. The hospital was empty this late, and people were either zombies or caffeine junkies. I could take a small amount of sedative and a few needles if I needed it. No one would know. Then, I could leave and fetch my tools out the car to hunt my victim. A small dose would knock them out long enough for me to bring them to my apartment. 

An image of blood fills my eyes, my dark passenger has risen and craves the scent of a new kill. I took off from my shift, needles and sedative at hand, searching for the gazelle in my cheetah-like haze.


The time when predators come out to play. I switch on a pair of black skinny jeans and maroon V-neck top. I put black leather gloves in my back pocket and put on a pair of black converse.
I then drive over to a bar and go inside, pulling down my V-neck so more cleavage was showing. I ordered vodka and water mixed with cranberry juice. Not enough alcohol to get me drunk, but enough to get a predator's attention. I gulp it down and pay the bartender, as I walk out.
Someone follows me. I note every detail about his or her pace. Light -experienced. Synced - Smart. Clicks - woman. I fasten up my pace and head towards my car, she follows.

Managing to disappear around a corner, I waited for her to follow. She does. Whoever they are got confused and panicked. I take the opportunity to grab them by the neck and dose them with the sedative. Their struggle falls and I walk over to my car playing it off like they're a drunk friend. When no one is watching I throw her in the trunk.

My heart thumps as I drive off. When I enter the parking lot, I spot someone knocking on the door of my apartment

Shit. I duck behind my steering wheel and turn off the headlights. They peek inside the window, then give up and depart to their car, leaving a note under the door. I wait until they turn a corner to pull into my spot and run up to my door. It's from a man named Charles. I put it into my back pocket and take out my gloves. I unlock the door and set up a table. I search for plastic and place it under the table to catch any blood. Josh won't be here till 6:00 so I have time. I run to my car and grab my tools and set them on the table. The cloth that contains the tools is black and a rough texture, almost resembling velcro. I carefully carry my victim onto the empty space on the table, thankful they're a woman. I slide on my gloves and remove their clothes and strap them to the table with duck tape. Then, I wait for them to wake up.

"Where, am I?" She asked angrily, I can hear fear creeping up in her voice.

"You are in my living-room. This night did not go as planned did it love?"

She only stares at the blades beside her. She then looks up at me, tears stinging her eyes.

"Please don't kill me."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why not? You would have killed me if this night was different! You, love, are lucky I didn't slit your throat the moment I grabbed you!"

"I wasn't going to do anything I swear on my life!"

"Now is not the time for lies, love. Especially on your death bed."

"I'll do anything, just please... Don't kill me I promise I won't kill again."

I laughed.

"Too late."

I heard her scream and try to break out the tape's hold. I grabbed my knife out of the black pocket on the table and twirled it between my fingertips. She started to scream louder. I then held up the knife and plunged it into her heart.

"Shut up.."

My passenger, now pleased removed the blood coloured cloak from my eyes, relieving my brain from its constant pound. The sight of her was enough to send me shivering but warm. I could hear the chains in my head rattling releasing me from their hold on my clouded mind.

I sighed in relief. My eyes drifted towards the ceiling then darted at the blood covering the plastic under the woman's body. 

I quickly sawed off her limps and placed them in trash bags. I then carefully rolled up the blood covered plastic and folded it. I let out a breath and placed it in a garbage bag. I set out for my car when I remembered the letter in my back pocket.

I pulled it out, it could be for Josh. I opened it anyway

My condolences, but I couldn't help but notice you at the hospital. I hope we can catch up sometime. Meet me at the Café over on Wilson Avenue on Monday.

Great, just what I needed an admirer. I finished putting the trash bags in my trunk and crumpled up the note before getting in the driver's seat. As I put the gas into ignition I turned on the radio to a soft indie station and then drove to a nearby stream. I climbed to the back seat and grabbed the trash bags. I threw each of them in the stream one by one, letting the feeling of control overwhelm me each time.

I then, drove back home, just in time to see Josh walk through the door. He still had an edge in him. I decided not to press and busied myself by looking down at a book.

"Hey, Cass?..."

I looked up surprised.

"I'm sorry I yelled earlier, I know you're going through the same thing. And I want to let you know I scheduled my first therapy session for next Monday."

I smiled and stood up to gesture a hug expectantly. Josh solemnly walked over and tightly hugged me. I didn't let him know that it felt like my lungs might collapse. I couldn't let this hug go. I didn't want him to go. I'm sorry too.

"I love you," he murmured.

"Me too."

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