Chapter 18

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By the time I got home I was exhausted. My body ached from dehydration and the constant crying. Deciding not to drive my car might have been the biggest mistake I've ever made. I opened the door swiftly and quietly so Josh wouldn't know I was home. I took off my shoes and tiptoed throughout the house. My first stop was to the sink so I could sooth my soar throat with cold glass of water. I ran the water quietly before filling a small glass. When my lips touched the cool surface they immediately felt relief. I took small sips to savour the feeling of the liquid move down my throat. When I was done I sat the glass on the counter and headed for my bedroom. My footsteps were light even though sleep weighed itself heavily on my eyelids. I plopped myself on the bed and let my mind drift off.
I woke up to my brother's alarm clock. Blasted. My hands felt around for my phone. When I grasped it I turned it on to see what time it was. When the screen was shown before me, my eyes grew wide. My heat grew in pace.
Ezra 12 missed calls
Ezra 5 new messages
I stared at my phone in disbelief. What it something had happened to him just as it did Charles. My phone fumbled around in my hands as I tried unlock it. I scrolled clumsily to the messages to see what he'd texted me.
-22:30 Kill Room
-And don't be late
-And don't worry either
-Oh if you're late you'll be sorry
-Oh And I love you
I must have forgotten to breathe because I felt lightheaded. My mouth was dry with anticipation and confusion. What could he be planning... How did he know where my kill room was. What did he mean by I'll be sorry. I completely forgot about the time. I looked up to see it was 22:10 the drive to my kill room was 30 minutes. I quickly changed into something comfortable and dashed out the house. I heard Josh call behind me. I ignored him and quickly escaped to his car. It took multiple times to get the door unlocked. I slid into the drivers seat and placed the key into ignition. My mind wondered at the possibilities of what could possibly happen. What was he planning? Would I be exposed because of rejection? I couldn't rest my mind. It wouldn't lay at ease. I drove off in panic.
"Bloody hell..." I cursed under my breath. I forgot my knives at home. I debated going back but I just kept driving. Don't be late. My mind told me. I just kept driving. I must have ran all the lights on the way there. My body shook. It only rested when I got to the clearing in the woods. It wouldn't be long now. I drove up to a spot almost empty if it wasn't for Ezra's car in a place nearby. I took out my phone and read the time.
I was late. I walked up hesitantly. I didn't imagine the place that brought me so much joy could worry me the slightest. My sweaty palm rested on the handle before I twisted it and pushed it open. Inside my haven lay Jessica wrapped in duck tape. Ezra leaning over her in disgust. He heard me open the door and jumped turning his attention to me. A grin passed over his face.
"I almost started without you, love. Didn't I warn you that if you were late you'd regret it?" I could only nod.
He only gleamed in delight," So shall we begin?"

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