Chapter 7*

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I slowly ate my breakfast and made my way over to work. It seemed as if everything was going perfect this week. I had everything going great for me. I had a date with Charles. I had a new best friend. I had a brand new kill room. Today, since everything was going so great, I even waved to a few coworkers, which for me was very rare. I also wore the colour blue instead of black to work. My luck was about to change.

As I drove over to Evelyn's I noticed police cars wavering around a lake. Charles was there. He had on gloves and was taking samples from a dead body I could see. Weird. When, I made it to Evelyn's I could feel a place of home invade my chest. She looked up and smiled as soon as I walked in.

   "Dearest Cassandra. I didn't know if you'd come." She hugged me. I hugged her back, filling my nose with her scent.

   "Sit down, so we can talk," she grinned. She took out two cups of tea and handed one me. Glee never left her eyes. She saw the eyes of a monster and called it her friend.

   "Well, there've been a lot of surprises this week." She choked on her tea,"Ohhh.. Tell me about them."

   "I've gotten a shed for killing now. I call it kill room 2.0," I smiled to myself.

   "How fabulous. You never did tell me your moral code for when you kill. Can you explain it to me?"

I nodded and placed my tea on a nearby table.

   "I only kill bad people. Preferably ones that have killed before."

She looked shocked, if not interested. "What a rare thing. I murderer of murderers. It's actually quite brilliant!"

I smiled at her. There wasn't a hint of judgment in her eyes. A thought entered my head.

"Were there others before me?" I asked.

   "What do you mean?"

"Other murderers.. Were there other murderers who were your friend?"

She stared down into her coffee cup. "Yes. Being a therapist who accepts people for who they are, it happens quite a lot."

A spark of jealousy ignited in my chest, before I nodded.

   "Would you like to meet them one day?" She gleamed hopeful,"We can create a group session.."

"Yeah," I chuckled," I'd like that."

   "Then it's settled!" She beamed," Again!"

We laughed for a few minutes before taking sips of our tea, giggling under our breath. When our session was over Evelyn walked me to my car.

   "Thank you Evelyn. For everything. You're one of the only real things I have in my life."

"As to you, Dear Cassandra. Your friendship brings me great happiness," she smiled.

I slowly crept my way into the car, keeping eye contact for as long as possible. I then drove off to my apartment. Over the past week I've been preparing for the Galla. I purchased a silk long black dress with a slit at the hip. It was backless and sleeveless. My shoes were black  stilettos with a red bottom and interior. I quickly showered and put Chanel perfume behind my ears. I did my makeup with a bold red lip and smokey eye. My hair was carefully done in loose curls with a long bang that went down to my eyebrows. I put in subtle earrings and a diamond necklace. I carefully slipped on my dress. I waited to put on my heels, and instead took the time to rub body oil on my legs and chest. I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I gulped before opening it.

"Hello gorgeous."

I smirked.
When we arrived at the Galla everyone stared to see who Charles's plus one was. I thought I heard a catcall in a far corner.

"Something tells me you're a little more than a forensic analyst.." I murmured

   "I'll explain later," he whispered in my ear. Just as he said that a woman with long, light hair walked up. She wore a dark red dress that had a similar look to mine. Her walk was full of purpose. She was about a foot taller so she looked down at me. Her eyes never seemed to leave Charles.

   "Hello Charles," she smirked. He avoided her gaze.

"Hello Jessica," he smiled suddenly, "This is my date Cassandra, as you can see." I internally giggled at the jealously that flooded her eyes. She turned to me and gave me a fake smile.

"Hi. Cassidy."

   "Hello Gorgeous," I replied. Giving her a satisfied smiled. She huffed in disbelief before turning to Charles and pleading with her eyes to defend her. He just stood there smiling too. She tried her best to calm down before saying under gritted teeth,

"I'm going to get us some champagne."

When she was a good few feet away I laughed. Charles did too.

"I'm guessing she's the ex girlfriend then." He nodded and grinned.

   "I'm so sorry about that. Trust me that's over."

I gave him a crooked smile, then quickly glanced at the dance floor. I took him by the hand.

   "Care to dance?"

He took me quickly by the waste. I gasped and looked at him in shock. He smirked and led me over to the dance floor. I rested my arms on neck shoulders. His cologne invaded my nostrils. I breathed it in as we swayed. His hands were rough on my bare skin. I looked up into his eyes. A desperation filled me. He looked back sharing the feeling with me. Our breathing started to uneven. He lifted his hand to stroke my face. I let out a breath. He brought his mouth to mine. His tongue invaded my mouth. He led his hand to my rear. I dropped my hand to his pelvis. Our mouths barely able to get air. We stopped when we couldn't breath. We stood there gasping for air. He leaned down to my ear

   "Let's get out of here."

I nodded.
We left for his place. As soon as we got out of the car, we embraced each other. All of our cloths were off by the time we reached the doorstep. He lifted me up over his shoulder. I giggled. He forcefully plumped me down on the bed. He studied my body. I layed there desperate for him to fill me. He then fell on top of me, pinning me down. Claiming me. Charles purred against my neck. His manhood stood at attention. He looked me in the eye before forcing it in. I moaned. A pain spread through my legs. He used it as an invitation to catch my mouth. I could taste everything. He thrusted harder. My arms struggled against his grip. Electricity spread through my body. I moaned louder. He thrusted faster. I hummed from the rough embrace. He groaned against my neck. Charles let go of his grip. I used it to my advantage. I carefully rolled his exhausted body over from on top of me. I got on top of him and explored his body. I looked him in the eye. I kissed his ribs and traced my fingers over his abs. I flicked my tongue on his ear. I then forced him up to meet my gazed. I positioned myself over his package before slowly sliding it underneath me. I kept in a moan on instinct. I rhythmically let it invade my insides.
"Charles.." I moaned. He put his forehead to mine. Beads of sweat encased our presence. He held on to me. In and out. In and out. I clung to his chest. A spasm broke him before a hot liquid filled me. We both gasped. I looked him in the eye. His grey eyes overcame me, swallowing me whole. A void of passion filled me. We both layed down. He held me close his body heaving slowly. The scent of sweet champagne filled the air.
"I love you Cassandra." He murmured before drifting off to sleep. I love you too.

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