Chapter 6*

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Work was like any other day. But tonight was preparation for a fresh kill. This kill has to be special. I went to the rejected scalpel knife depository. I was inspired to be creative this time, and I wanted it to be perfect. I took some sedatives and a few needles. I also grabbed a pair of extra gloves. My passenger loved the thrill of a hunt. To be honest, I enjoyed it as well.

I checked out for the night and walked to my car. I changed into my night attire. I put on black skinny jeans and a dark, navy blue hoodie. I quickly put on some converse, and instead left my car at the Hospital. I found a shed near the lake that would be my new kill room. Any evidence of my being there would ruin this night. I walked over by the outlet mall this time, watching for anyone who could potentially be my next victim. I spotted an employee for marijuana a lounge. He had a gun strapped to his belt. His light blonde hair stood out against his dark attire, similar to mine. That's him. I quickly made my way towards him. I tried my best to look anxious, even though my mind was focused.

"Hey you!" He looked over at me confused.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I was wondering if I could get some drugs from you.. You know more hardcore. One's that make you fly."

"Get out of here with that shit."
"I'll give you ten G's right here right now." He hesitated before taking out his phone. He was going to dial a number.

"...Who are you calling?"

"My boss. Who did you think?"

"You call your boss. It's a no dealer. I need the drugs first." He let out a frustrated sigh before leading me to his car. I spotted a tracker on his car before muttering under my breath, "Shit." He turned around after unlocking his trunk.

"What'd you change your mind or something?"
"Nope.. Just. My plans have changed."

"What-" I quickly planted the syringe in his neck. He slowly crumbled to the ground.

Shit! God Damnit! I picked him up and walked two cars over before breaking the window. I placed him in the trunk and kicked off the license plates. I rolled down the rest of the broken window. My mind wandered and I tried numerous times to hotwire the car. As the engine started I felt my mind ease. I pulled my hood over my face and sped over to the shed. A smile crept over my face.

I slowly opened the door. The room was completely covered in plastic. A table in the center of my paradise called my name. I ran over to my newest victim stripped him naked before strapping him to the table using plastic. My eyes skimmed over him. My passenger admired my handy work. He was starting to wake up when I walked over to him.

"Hello handsome," I smiled.

"What is this?" 

I sat on the table.

"I'm glad you asked," I looked down at him and grinned even wider.

"This," I gestured around the room, "Is a new beginning. I have a hell of a lot more freedom here. And you.. Whatever your name is..are going to experience it first hand."

"You're going to pay for this, Bitch! All my men are going to come after you!"

"Yeah whatever." I pulled out my knife and weighed it in my hands.

"I swear when my men find out-" I stuffed his mouth with cloth and duck taped it shut.

"Why do I always pick the mouthy ones?" I lifted up the knife. He struggled against the bonds that trapped him. I could see the fear in his eyes. I quickly brought it too his heart, to see it fade away into nothing.

"Hmph.. It's little plain." I cut off the plastic. I used my knife to draw a smiley face on his torso.

"There." I smiled and took out my cleaver . I pinpointed where I wanted it to go brought steel to bone. I put the limbs in garbage bags, and took out my camera. I snapped a quick picture of the torso before cleaning up the rest. I drove over to the stream and dumped everything in. I put the car into ignition and put a brick on the gas so it would drive itself into the lake. I let myself sigh in relief as I walked away from the scene. I suddenly found myself at the café. Charles was there. I waved as I drifted towards him. He grinned as he made his way towards me.

"Hello Cassandra."

"Hi," I smiled.

His eyes drifted to my shirt and pants.

"Looks like you've been busy." I looked down and held my breath. He didn't seem to mind.


"Well since you're here," he smirked,

"I wanted to talk about our date next Monday." He took out an invite to a party. It had a +1 on it. 

"It's an invite to the met Gala on Monday, I'd like you to be my plus one."

"Whaa.. How?"

"I called you few times, but you didn't answer so I couldn't tell you sooner."

"Thank you," I smiled down. I starred at the invite before looking into his piercing grey eyes. My eyes traveled to his lips before I looked away. "Um," I chuckled, "I think I should go. So I guess I'll see you Monday."

"Yeah," his eyes looked like they were avoiding me as well,"We will."

I turned away slowly and walked away. My mind numb as I took the ticket out of my pocket. I ran my finger over the label, tracing the letters.

When I got home I flicked on the TV instead of going to bed. My mind was filled with images of Charles and my victim. Each brought me happiness, but only one could bring me peace. I thought of Charles and his perfection. I also thought of the body and way it felt to pierce the skin of the victim. The way it gave way under my hand. I thought of what it would be like to feel Charles's touch. My brain was racked in trying to find answers to the mystery of which one brung me more happiness. I decided to bring it up with Evelyn in our next session. Love. Or chaos.

Tedious DeedsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora