Chapter 9*

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The next morning I woke up happy. Images from last night spurting throughout my brain. I laughed at what I did. Just then I remembered that the news would come on soon. I quickly jumped out of bed and turned the channel to the station. I plopped down on the couch and watched as my victim made big news. 

   "This is Jennifer Cunnington and I'm here in the town's most beloved center."
I snickered to myself.

   "Here we have an apparent victim of the Smiley Face Killer."

   "Crazy isn't it." Josh remarked. I nodded and motioned for him to sit next to me on the couch. He slowly walked my way and melted onto the couch.

   "Thanks to an anonymous caller we found the body sooner, so the state police could handle it."

I looked to the side next to me. Josh was strangely interested in the story.

   "Interesting isn't it." I coyed.

   "Yea, it is."

Suddenly a detective appeared on the screen, getting my attention.

   "The guy who's doing this is mocking us."

No shit.

The reporter came back on the screen.

   "How so?"

I saw the detective flash on the screen again. He rubbed the back of his neck and was silent for a minute.
This outta be good.

   "Well.. They. Um.. They have been targeting serial killers who have been released to the public and set free."

I stared at the TV intently. I looked across and saw Josh restless too.

  "So shouldn't they instead be considered a local hero, an Avenger?"

He cleared his throat and thought for a moment, "Murder is never justified."

   "So you're saying the murderers should still be in the public, running free. Able to kill citizens?"   

"I'm saying whoever is doing this needs to reevaluate justice, because by their principals they should be killed too." he explained.

The anchor looked at him surprised. A grin spread on my face. Sounds like challenge.

   "Well there you have it, I'm Jennifer Cunnington and this your latest update on the Smiley Face Murders."

He stared at the ground, obviously displeased. A sinacle grin crossed over my face. I then turned off the TV pleased with my morning.

   "Crazy isn't it." I mocked. Game on.

Work today was a breeze. Being able to slice into flesh was now second nature to me. I loved to cut through bone- seeing it was dark hobby of mine. Everything about my job fit me. The blood, the death, the precision. Each of them were like a drug to me, forbidden by society, but brings me happiness. Just the gore of it all pursued to fill me. The passenger would give me a slight nod and I would nod back. This cover was what made me. Death is an amazing thing.

   I left from work pleased with my day. I wanted to share everything with Evelyn, the rush, the blade, everything. I swiftly lifted my phone out of my blue scrubs and dialed her number. I heard the line ring only twice before she picked up.


   "So about that group meeting."

I could feel her smile wryly through the phone.

  "What time today?"

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