Chapter 11*

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My victim lay sprawled across the table. Their body unconscious. I snapped to get their attention.

   "Hello.. I'm in a crisis." I shook them. When they show signs of finally regaining consciousness I stood up straight and grabbed the knife from the table. They looked around the small room.

   "Where am I?"

   "Your death bed.. so let's skip the part where you plead because-"

   "Let me go!" They exclaimed before struggling beneath the duck tape. I sighed. My patience was already wearing thin.

   "That never helped anyone!" I shouted. They flinched in a mixture of of fear and disbelief. I was shocked as well. My kill room was my only safe place. It was the only place I could be me, the only place there was peace in my mind. I slid my back against the cold walls. I collected myself, I wouldn't let confusion get the best of me. My victim must have noticed because satisfaction flashed in their eyes. My hands gripped the knife as if to make it so the handle was glued to my fingers. As I found my footing my eyes skimmed the knife yielded in my hand. I envisioned blood as my fingers danced across the blade. My muscles tightened as I brought it over her chest.

   "I bet this is the first time you've felt an emotion other than lust or anger,"They pressed. Hesitation waved over me.

   "Well actually I don't know about lust. You could be one of those serial killers who feels nothing at all."

   "And you have?"

   "As a matter of fact yes. I kill for love."

   "Yes. Bonnie Clover notorious Valentine Avenger. You kill because it's the only way you can feel."

   "Don't sound so sure. Love is a dangerous thing. You never know what could come popping in that head of yours."

   I contemplated her words.

   " you know...when it's real?" I asked.

   "It's the only other feeling you can experience," she explained.

   I lowered my knife. Hope flooded her eyes. I stared into them deeply.

   "I enjoyed our talk..." I complimented. "But you're wrong. There's another emotion I've recently found beyond my table."

   "What's that?"

   With a single motion I felt the blade slide across her throat. Blood poured onto the table and created a pool. Her eyes filled with millions of emotions at once.


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