Chapter 20

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Ezra and I snuck in to the apartment giggling.
"Shhh!" I warned, "Josh is sleeping." He smirked loudly keeping himself from booming with full on laughter. I punched him in the shoulder, warning him. He responded with a peck on my forehead. I smiled up at him, pure happiness wriggled it's way into my heart. I wanted so badly to say I love him but held it in. It's too soon. Isn't it? We tiptoed to my bedroom when we heard Josh walk out his room. His boxers low on his waste. He let out an annoyed groan and rubbed his eyes.
"Jesus Cass, what the hell are you doing up so late?" he let out. His eyes flashed with realization when they focused on me and Ezra with nothing on but our underwear. "Ughh really. You're banging the mailman."
I looked at him confused. Ezra put his lips to my ear and whispered, "I may have told your brother that I was a delivery so he wouldn't kill me for visiting his little sister."
I kept in a giggle before grunting and gesturing in an introductory motion. "Josh this Ezra. He is my er.. Friend." I felt Ezra snicker from behind me. I resisted the urge to punch him again.
"You slept with your 'friend'." He crossed his arms.I couldn't read whether he angry or amused so I nodded hesitantly. He lifted on eyebrow. "Have you heard from Jessica while you were out?" He inquired.
I glanced back at Ezra knowingly, "No," I fibbed. He gave me look filled with suspicion before stammering back to his room. Me and Ezra stared at him until we were sure he closed his door. He let out a hearty laugh. I laughed with him before taking his head in my hands and placing a kiss on his lips sending shockwaves through my body. When I pulled away I looked in his eyes to see passion had filled them.
"Thank you."
He nodded before holding me in his arms. "It was my pleasure Dearest Cassandra."

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