Chapter 10*

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   I headed to Evelyn's as jolly as Santa himself. My mind never rested as i contemplated on what I would say to everyone. The only person I've ever told about me was Evelyn, and I had to admit it felt fucking great to get it off my chest. Letting my monster have a little freedom kept my sanity at bay. The constant clawing in my chest would disappear for awhile. My pace only fastened as I approached the building, when I placed my hand on the door I however saw a tall blonde with a permanent death stare. I tried my best to duck behind a nearby bush, but she caught a glimpse of me last minute.

   "Hey Callus."

   "Who are you? Sorry I forgot about you. Kinda like Charles."

   She scoffed.

   "Wait you're his booty call gone wrong right?" I teased.    

Jessica's eye twitched slightly before she walked closer so we were face to face.

   "I'd watch my back if I were you," she warned.

   "You're not the only killer here," I retorted.

   She smiled and waved me to enter the building. I went in hesitantly, the scent of freshly brewed coffee as my guide. Jessica followed casually behind. My nose brought me to a small room. It was filled with chairs in the center making a circle. Evelyn and few others occupated most of the seats. They stopped what they were doing to look up at me an Jessica. I could feel the blood flow into my cheeks. Meanwhile Jessica wasn't fazed by the sudden attention. My eyes skit across the room to meet Evelyn's. She smiled, I smiled back. I chose a seat as close to Evelyn as I could. There was a English gentleman between us. His hair was messily styled but his face was clean shaven. His expression remained stern unless he was talking to Evelyn. He glanced my way before turning away, his lip twitching the slightest bit. I tried my best not to smile.

   "So. Everyone's here. I thought I would have to kill a few people," Evelyn grinned. 

A few chuckles erupted from the group.

   "How about everyone introduce themselves," She entertained. 

   My mind wandered until it was time to say my name.

   "Cass." I stated firmly.

   "Ezra," the scruffy gentleman called out. I glanced at him. Ezra was a pretty name.                                 
   "Okay, so everyone here knows what everyone is right?" Evelyn interrupted.

The group chuckled.

   "We're cold blooded psychopaths!" someone called out.

   This time I laughed with the group. Everyone took turns telling their stories. Their first time. Why they did it. How they felt. Everyone took a turn letting out the burden that was this secret life that was looked down upon, but to us was a necessity, something we needed.

   "The first time I killed.. was when my father tried to touch me in places a teenager shouldn't be touched," Jessica fessed. "That was the first time I felt the feeling of a blade plunge into someone. It was the first time I could feel the fragility that was human kind. The first time I felt a control that grew into a need I had to fulfill."

   Everyone grunted in agreement. Empathy, a rare emotion if I had any at all, festered its way into my heart. She was the last to share so everyone started to pack up. The group took turns smothering Evelyn with hugs. I only used one arm to hug her, so she wouldn't feel so smothered. She gave me silent "thank you", and received the rest of the demonstrations of affection. I waved her off laughing on my way to my car. When I fumbled for my keys I noticed Ezra in the background. He owned a red mustang. I stood in shock. He never seemed to surprise me. Ezra looked up and stared right back at me. We couldn't have locked eyes for that long, but in that moment it stretched to almost forever. The thought of Charles broke my trance. I was supposed to be devoted to him. No one else. I promised myself. Of course the she devil from hell had to walk up to me right after I spoke those words.

   "So you have eyes for Scrabby over there huh."

   "No. I love Charles." 

  "I don't blame you, he's kinda hot," She stated."Maybe I'll take him for a test drive."

   It took everything in me to ignore my passenger and not jab my key through her neck. Instead I smiled politely and said," Go ahead, I'm sure you're used to having things that are already called for."

   Anger flashed in her eyes, before she huffed and sped away. I had won this fight, but now my feelings were on edge. Conflicted. Maybe a victim would help me to figure out everything, or hopefully distract me for awhile.

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