Chapter 5*

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When I awoke my mind was numb. I was grateful I was off on Tuesday. I checked my phone for any missed calls and saw a text from Charles:
If you ever need a friend I'm here

My heart skipped a beat. I didn't remember giving Charles my number. I decided to not think much of it and hopped in the shower. I turned up the temperature until my skin stung and let my mind go blank. I pretended the bar of soap was a wave casting all my emotions away. I used the water as an escape, letting it wash all my memories away. Making it so there were no problems.

When I stepped out the shower I let the cold breeze crawl on my skin, and welcomed the goosebumps that rose from my skin. I grabbed my towel and gently rubbed it on my damp skin. I quickly got dressed in black skinnies and a light blue long sleeved shirt. I slid on some black cozy boots on my way out the door. On my way to the car a migraine hit. My vision blurred, all I could see was the grey in the sky. Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill. My feet felt as if they were standing on rubber. Sweat beaded on my hands. My head pounded with thoughts of blood and the lust for it. My passenger was bang on my forehead asking to be freed. Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill. I sat down by the nearest park I could find. Suddenly a man walked up to me.

"Are you okay?" They wouldn't leave me alone, they needed to leave.


"Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"GO! NOW!"

"I'm going to call an ambulance.."

My passenger took over. Before I knew it there was a pen in their neck. I sat there rocking back and forth. Innocent blood was on my hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.." I got up and left to my car. I drove over to the therapist office.

When I got there I fell to the ground, letting blood drip from my hands. The therapist grabbed a few tissues nearby and wiped my hands and face.

"Oh dear.."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.."

She nodded and stood me up. She led me to the nearest chair. Her face was pained to see me in agony, she wasn't scared to see I was a murderer. She held me softly and sung a lullaby into my ear, "Let them come. Let them come. Lord help me. Let them come."

She stroked my hair and wiped my tears.

"Sweet child of god, protect her from the father. Let them come."

She pulled my face up to meet her gaze. "Dearest Cassandra, be strong."

I stared up. The voices stopped and the migraine subsided. I nodded and she got up to sit across from me.

"You didn't run away. You weren't scared of me."

"By the sounds of it. This has happened before."

"It did at prom. I stabbed my date, and my best friend saw. She promised she wouldn't tell the cops..but I never saw her again."

"Don't expect everyone in your life to run away from you. Especially not me."


She stuck out her hand.

"My name's Evelyn. I am your knew best friend," she smiled as I took her hand and shook it.


"It's a pleasure to meet you Cassandra."

"Much obliged."

"Well dear Cassandra, how about that session. Let's say next Monday 17:00?"

"Yeah," I grinned,"I'd love that."

She leaned back in her chair and laughed to herself in disbelief, "Monday it is."

We shook hands and Evelyn led me out the door. I hugged her tightly. I never wanted to let her go, she was the first real thing I had in so long. She chuckled and hugged me back, equally as eager by the embrace. On my way to the car I spotted Charles.

My heart dropped in disbelief. I walked hesitantly to him.


"I spotted your car on my way to the library.."

"And you just thought-"

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

I stared at him. I wasn't sure I could.


"Really? Well what about Monday 20:00."

"That'd be nice." I may have seemed cool, but inside I was exploding.

"Okay.. Well then I guess I'll pick you up. I'll see you then, love."

"I'll see you then," I waved casually as I left for my car. When I got in I couldn't stop a grin from invading my face. I turned in my ignition. On my way home I hummed every song that played on the radio. When I got home I sang in the shower. When I got to work I danced in the hallway. How could life have gotten any better?

Tedious DeedsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora