Chapter 14*

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My morning was filled with thoughts of revenge. However none of the tedious deeds I thought of satisfied the burning desire of hatred I felt for Jessica. My head range at the thought of her and wouldn't stop until I thought about her blood on my hands. At the same time I felt an emptiness without Charles there. I felt...helpless. For the first time my monster was scared and even sad. At the thought of him my eyes watered so I pushed the thought aside. I could hear my phone ringing as I lay still in my bed. I Ignored it most of the time and would stuff my head in a nearby pillow. It seemed that I was either grieving or thirsting for blood. Joshua would come in every once in a while to check on me and regularly brought breakfast that consisted of an egg omelet and orange juice. Most days I'd just push it aside and dig my head into a pillow. My body felt week, but at least I'd provide me with an excuse not to go outside. I heard my door open and thought it was breakfast but instead Ezra stood there concern filled his eyes.


I didn't dig my face into a pillow instead I just whimpered. He ran over to me and placed his arms around my fragile structure. I dug my head into his chest and let his warmth envelope me. I sobbed quietly, soaking his shirt with my tears. He gently rubbed my head and twirled my hair in his fingers. We sat like that for awhile, his scent wavering in my nose. My spirit felt safe again after 2 weeks of torment.

"I loved him..." I finally spoke.

Understanding flashed in his eyes before he squeezed me tightly."

"But with you I again. Like I belong in your arms." I confessed. My mind was numb to reason so I just said whatever came to mind. I was tired of not speaking after awhile, and it finally felt right to speak again. He just stared into my eyes warmth invaded them. I placed a kiss on his jaw before settling into his chest again.

"What happened to him?" He choked out.

"Jessica." I growled.

"From the support group?" He inquired.

"Yes.. She knew how I felt about him and just murdered him." I said. My eyes looked forward. My eyes, that I'm sure are puff bags galore, stung from the tears that were now threatening to invade them. I breathed out and tried to relax. Ezra pulled my chin up so our eyes would meet. I could see how pained he was to see me hurt. The urge to kiss him was all my mind was thinking about in that moment. I could tell his was too. Before I could act I looked down. My brow furrowed in frustration.

"You should go." I whispered.

He nodded slowly before getting up. My hands wanted so badly to keep clinging to him. I watched him walk away and caught a glimpse of his face. Terror and desire washed over me when I saw what was in his eyes.

The need for revenge.

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